• Q : Internet evolution and the peculiar characteristics....
    Business Management :

    Discuss in scholarly detail time periods of the Internet evolution and the peculiar characteristics of each period. Project what you think the next period will look like. 250 words or more, APA form

  • Q : Ethics of marketing publius using utilitarianism....
    Business Management :

    Analyze the ethics of marketing Publius using utilitarianism, right, justice, and caring. In your judgment, is it ethical to market Publius? Explain?

  • Q : Analyze the responses and comment on the validity....
    Business Management :

    Develop a short questionnaire (five to ten questions) and distribute it to at least ten people. Use at least two different types of questions in the survey. Analyze the responses and comment on the

  • Q : Difference in interest costs....
    Business Management :

    Riley Co. is considering a short-term or long-term financing plan for $6,000,000 in assets. They expect the following 1 year rates over the next 3 years: 7%, 9%, and 12%. Their long-term interest ra

  • Q : Construct two financing plans-one conservative....
    Business Management :

    Construct two financing plans-one conservative, with 80% of assets financed by long-term sources, and the other aggressive, with only 60% of assets financed by long-term sources.

  • Q : Conservative financing plan....
    Business Management :

    If the firm goes with a short-term financing plan, their rate will be 8 percent, and with a long-term financing plan their rate will be 9 percent. What much more or less will their initial annual ea

  • Q : Changes in the external and internal environment....
    Business Management :

    How does strategic management help an organization cope with changes in the external and internal environment? What have studies shown about the relationship between strategic management and an orga

  • Q : What is the expected value of returns....
    Business Management :

    Under normal conditions (70% probability), Financing Plan A will produce $24,000 higher return than Plan B. Under tight money conditions (30% probability), Plan A will produce $40,000 less than Plan

  • Q : Two entitlement programs....
    Business Management :

    Discuss your thoughts on two entitlement programs (Medicare and Medicaid) and if you think they are good or bad. Why? no word limit

  • Q : Some barriers to building rapport....
    Business Management :

    Relationships are very important in working with clients and can set the tone of treatment. What are some ways to build rapport and what are some barriers to building rapport?

  • Q : Liability of international carriers for air carriers....
    Business Management :

    Explain the liability of international carriers for air carriers, sea carriers, ocean intermediaries - 200 words

  • Q : Two types of regulatory action....
    Business Management :

    Discuss the two types of regulatory action that, according to the majority, automatically triggers compensation as takings, without a court needing to examine the circumstances in a case-specific ma

  • Q : Agreement to protect your company investment....
    Business Management :

    You are the legal advisor for a steel manufacturing company. The board of directors has sent you to India to negotiate an investment agreement with India's government. Describe the provisions, or gu

  • Q : Pluses and minuses of the sarbanes-oxley legislation....
    Business Management :

    Give input on the pluses and minuses of the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation. Is Sar-Ox working and worth it and is what would you change if you could?

  • Q : Agent of the sec overhears....
    Business Management :

    When she brags about what she has done at the local restaurant, an agent of the SEC overhears her and turns her in. The SEC then sues Ms. Johnson for violating the SEC's Rule 10b-5. Is Ms. Johnson l

  • Q : Difficult aspects of using the single location approach....
    Business Management :

    One of the difficult aspects of using the single location approach to installation is choosing an appropriate location. What factors should be considered in picking a pilot site?

  • Q : Visuals to illustrate each phase of business....
    Business Management :

    Provide examples and appropriate visuals to illustrate each phase of business.

  • Q : Customer tracking system....
    Business Management :

    Locate a technical writing article on the Web. Briefly summarize that article. Which installation options are availbale for the Customer Tracking System? Which would you recommend?

  • Q : What is the economic production quantity....
    Business Management :

    Holding costs are $2 per item per year, and ordering costs are $30 per order. a) What is the economic production quantity?

  • Q : Relationship between overhead and direct labour costs....
    Business Management :

    Canoe Company's manufacturing accounting system uses the relationship between overhead and direct labour costs to apply overhead to goods in process and finished goods inventories.

  • Q : Average accounts receivable related problem....
    Business Management :

    Hauser Sports had sales in 2010 of $750,000, cost of sales of $500,000, average accounts receivable of $100,000 and average inventory of $225,000. How many days, on average, does it take Hauser Spor

  • Q : Statements about customer relationship management....
    Business Management :

    Which of the following statements about customer relationship management is not true?

  • Q : Company retained earnings at the end of the year....
    Business Management :

    A company began the year with retained earnings of $1,000. Net income for the year was $250, it repaid $350 of its line of credit balance, and it paid dividends to its shareholders of $200. What was

  • Q : Mayoral campaign of timothy....
    Business Management :

    Sarah is working hard on the mayoral campaign of Timothy. She thinks that just a few more votes could win the election, so she promises to pay her friend Violet $50 to register and vote. Violet does

  • Q : Issuance of a promissory note....
    Business Management :

    Bill decided that it was time to remodel his home. Among the features that Bill had included in his remodeling plan was the addition of several very large picture windows. Because of the great expen

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