• Q : Conducting sheet form an equipotential....
    Business Management :

    1. Directions of the electric field are indicated on field lines. Why don't you have a direction indicated on the equipotential line?

  • Q : Indicate the direction with the sign....
    Business Management :

    A crate of mass 59 kg is attached to one end of a string, and the other end of the string runs over a pulley and is held by a person as in the figure below. If the person pulls with a force of 77 N

  • Q : Downward-directed electric field....
    Business Management :

    What must the charge (sign and magnitude) of a particle of mass 1.48g be for it to remain stationary when placed in a downward-directed electric field of magnitude 690N/C ?

  • Q : Determine the contact force....
    Business Management :

    A 0.14- ball is placed in a shallow wedge with an opening angle of 160 , as shown in the figure. For each contact point between the wedge and the ball, determine the force exerted on the ball. Assu

  • Q : Potential difference between the plates....
    Business Management :

    A small object with a mass of 420 mg carries a charge of 40.0 nC and is suspended by a thread between the vertical plates of a parallel-plate capacitor. The plates are separated by 4.00 cm.

  • Q : Surface area of the drum....
    Business Management :

    The cylindrical imaging drum of a photocopier is to have an electric field just outside its surface of 2.00 105 N/C. If the drum has a surface area of 0.0610 m2 (the area of a 8 1/2 11 in. sheet of p

  • Q : Coefficient of sliding friction....
    Business Management :

    Find the coefficient of sliding friction between the block and ramp 2. Use three significant figures when entering your answer.

  • Q : Compute the lowest possible energy....
    Business Management :

    Put an electron (m = 9.1 × 10-28 g) in a one-dimensional box of length 2 × 10-8 cm. This is approximately the size of an atom. Compute the lowest possible energy, E1. This is the zero-poin

  • Q : Bond length for a diatomic molecule....
    Business Management :

    Why is the harmonic oscillator model not a perfect model for the behavior of a chemical bond?

  • Q : Force exerted on the planet....
    Business Management :

    What is the force exerted on the planet by the star? (It will probably be helpful to draw a diagram, including the relevant vectors.)

  • Q : Determine the magnitude....
    Business Management :

    Determine the magnitude E_net of the net electric field at point P. Use K for the electrostatic constant. Express your answer in terms of q, d, and K.

  • Q : What is the acceleration due to gravity....
    Business Management :

    What is the acceleration due to gravity g′ on the space shuttle in orbit - 200 km above the surface of the earth? The gravitational constant is 6.67 × 10^ -11 N · m2/kg2, the radi

  • Q : Equipotentials in the plane....
    Business Management :

    Imagine drawing two equipotentials in the plane of the figure, one passing through point A and and one passing through point B. If the electric field is 250 N/C, how much does the potential change

  • Q : Calculate the semimajor axis....
    Business Management :

    The discovery of a star orbiting the center of our galaxy with a 15-year period has led to the finding that the mass of the giant black hole at the center of our galaxy is about 3 million times that

  • Q : Insulated rigid tank....
    Business Management :

    An insulated rigid tank initially contains 1.8 Ibm of helium at 82 F and 45 psia. A paddle wheel with a power rating of 0.025 hp is operating within the tank for 45 minutes.

  • Q : Question regarding acceleration....
    Business Management :

    How far are you from the intersection when you begin to apply the brakes? What acceleration will bring you to rest right at the intersection? How long does it take you to stop?

  • Q : Potential energy-kinetic energy....
    Business Management :

    Find the frequency, f, the speed at the equilibrium position, vmax, the spring constant, k, the potential energy at an endpoint, Umax, the potential energy when the particle is located 62.3% of the

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of forces....
    Business Management :

    The force vector A has a magnitude of 91.0 newtons and points due east. The force vector B has a magnitude of 134 newtons and points 78° north of east. Use the graphical method and find the magn

  • Q : Determining the magnitude of the force....
    Business Management :

    An 1.40×10^4 N test car travels 45.5m before stopping from an initial speed of 26.7 m/s on dry horizontal pavement with its wheels locked. Assuming constant acceleration, find the magnitude o

  • Q : Cylindrical segment of a blood vessel....
    Business Management :

    Consider a cylindrical segment of a blood vessel 1.7 cm long and 2.4 mm in diameter. What additional outward force would such a vessel need to withstand in the person's feet compared to a similar v

  • Q : Calculate the distance along the ground....
    Business Management :

    An airplane with a speed of 79 m/s is climbing upward at an angle of 48° counterclockwise from the positive x axis. When the plane's altitude is 540 m the pilot releases a package.

  • Q : Mass of the disk....
    Business Management :

    A solid cylindrical disk has a radius of 0.15 m. It is mounted to an axle that is perpendicular to the circular end of the disk at its center. When a 45-N force is applied tangentially to the disk,

  • Q : Angular acceleration-instant....
    Business Management :

    Consider a thin rod of mass 1.4 kg, length 2.7 m and uniform density. The rod is pivoted at one end on a frictionless horizontal pin. The rod is initially held in horizontal position but eventually

  • Q : Straight horizontal line for a time interval....
    Business Management :

    The gravitational force exerted on a baseball is 2.13 N down. A pitcher throws the ball horizontally with velocity 16.5 m/s by uniformly accelerating it along a straight horizontal line for a time

  • Q : Pressure difference on an airplane wing....
    Business Management :

    Find the pressure difference on an airplane wing where air flows over the upper surface with a speed of 118 m/s, and along the bottom surface with a speed of 105 m/s.

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