• Q : Identify the issues of the exclusionary rule....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    You are the senior partner of a two man narcotics street unit. Your partner is eager to make a bust and if very motivated and exuberant. During your street prowl you pick up a local prostitu

  • Q : Amendment rights in the interest of national security....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The USA Patriot Act does it leave some minority groups open to "racial profiling and is it necessary to sacrife Fourth Amendment rights in the interest of national security?

  • Q : Discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding solyndra....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding Solyndra, the California based solar panel manufacturer. You will need to research the company through the University library.

  • Q : Discuss plans for a new program....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Write a report on a special probation/parole client and programs that have been established to address this problem client. Focus on 1type of special needs offender.

  • Q : Syncs permission constitute trademark infringement....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Sync Computers, Inc., makes computer-related products under the brand name "Sync," which the company registers as a trademark.

  • Q : Yun tung chow tried to unclog a floor drain in the kitchen....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Yun Tung Chow tried to unclog a floor drain in the kitchen of the restaurant where he worked. He used a drain cleaner called Lewis Red Devil Lye that contained crystalline sodium hydroxide.

  • Q : Identify five or more justifications for punishment....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Many scholars, politicians, and everyday people have disputed the value of criminal laws, sentencing laws, and corrections policies that are supported by these theories.

  • Q : What must a creditor prove to obtain a writ of attachment....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    In 2004 and 2005, Kent Avery, on behalf of his law firm-the Law Office of Kent Avery, LLC-con-tracted with Marlin Broadcasting, LLC, to air commercials on WCCC-FM, 106.9 "The Rock."

  • Q : What steps can corrections officials....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    There are many contemporary issues in corrections that are topics of ongoing debates in fields of penology, criminology, and corrections administration.

  • Q : What lawful limitations should be placed on public access....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What specific criteria should be used in balancing civil liberties and the need to gather, collect, and share intelligence? Explain the criteria and detail and provide sound reasoning.

  • Q : Explain the theory of juvenile delinquency....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The Mayor has indicated that reducing and preventing truancy, larceny or theft, and underage drinking are the city's top priorities.

  • Q : The original goal of the juvenile court....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Although the original goal of the juvenile court was to care for the wayward child through therapeutic interventions, there are many individuals calling for juveniles to be treated as adult offend

  • Q : What is eyewitness identification....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What is eyewitness identification? How do eyewitness identification procedures affect the systematic procedures of the criminal justice process?

  • Q : Criminal defendants accused of felony charges....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Do you agree with the Gideon v. Wainwright decision where the Supreme Court held that criminal defendants accused of felony charges are entitled to an appointed attorney if they cannot afford to hir

  • Q : Identify the specific goals....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The justice model is a sentencing approach that uses determinate sentences, or fixed punishment terms; calls for the elimination of parole; and makes treatment voluntary.

  • Q : What is right to counsel....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What is right to counsel? Explain when the right to counsel attaches, and when it does not apply. How has the right to counsel influenced the criminal justice system? What changes to right to counse

  • Q : What is a lawyers role....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What is a lawyer's role, and how does it influence the criminal justice system? What would happen if lawyers were not part of the criminal justice process?

  • Q : Discuss what is considered a serious medical....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The Supreme Court has made clear that the government is obligated to provide medical care for those offenders in its custody. Inmates have a constitutional right to medical care for serious medica

  • Q : Explain the protection against self-incrimination....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What would happen if there was no protection against self-incrimination? How has the Miranda decision influenced the criminal justice system?

  • Q : Examine the correctional eras in the united states....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Examine the correctional eras in the United States starting with the first era in the 1790s and covering the various eras to include the major reasons for the movement toward prisonization in the

  • Q : How the historical development of right to counsel relates....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    How the historical development of right to counsel relates to the cases.When the right to counsel attaches to criminal procedure for the cases.

  • Q : The defendant criminal history....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    He has no prior adult criminal record; however, he has two prior involvements in the juvenile justice system. While he was being investigated, several neighbors reported him for mistreating cats

  • Q : What is the purpose of the cognitive restructuring theory....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    How would the cognitive restructuring theory help Tom from the scenario above in handling his excessive anger? Explain.

  • Q : The inclusion of status offenses....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Given the inherent complexity of working with juveniles, juvenile probation includes components, rules, and processes not found in adult probation.

  • Q : Linda lu owned a beautiful home in boca raton....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Sandy owned a beautiful silver tea set. It was quite valuable. Sandy took her silver tea set to Tiffand Silver, a silver store. She asked Mrs. Tiffand if she could polish the set and repair the suga

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