• Q : Crimes against the state on behalf of the queen....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The goal of the criminal laws is to punish those who have done wrong against the state. The state is mandated by the constitution to prosecute those citizens who commit crimes against the state on b

  • Q : Ongoing issues especially related to criminal activities....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    This book has been designed to review the ongoing issues especially related to criminal activities in the society as well as address the increasing cases of crime in the society.

  • Q : Worst criminal offence for instance murder....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Death penalty is a kind of sentence passed on the worst criminal offence for instance murder. However, this kind of sentence has raised a lot of controversies from different nations based on their d

  • Q : Assess the victims mother of bereavement....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Bereavement is a status which results due to loss of a loved one through death. This results into great longing for the person who is dead followed by a period of adjustment that may take years.

  • Q : Social and political structure of the united statessince....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Domestic terrorism has greatly influenced the social and political structure of the United Statessince the country’s inception. Most terrorist and extremist groups were instigated by non-viole

  • Q : Ramifications associated with being a subcontractor....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Subcontractors in the government law have their rights and they can protest issues that arise between them and the main contractors. In this case, Mr Jonny Jones is a subcontractor and the main cont

  • Q : Advancements to the current tactics....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The comparison between past campaigns and the present situations can be differentiated with approaches implemented as well as the development of new tactics. However, they are still significant, sin

  • Q : Obligations and their rights....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The employers need to know their obligations and their rights so that they can exercise them as stated by Tidwell et al, (2009). An employer like the employee has his own rights in the workplace.

  • Q : Embrace the philosophy of majority rule....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    In a situation whereby labor union is present in a workplace, the majority who are members of union usually make decisions for the rest of the workers.

  • Q : Dealing with law of contract....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Simon is dealing with law of contract and to establish the number of contracts we have to evaluate the legality of the agreements he entered into.

  • Q : Advancement of media technologies....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    This essay explores the advancement of media technologies in the in the field of business. It touches on the media advancement such as travel Meta search engines that have been embraced by both the

  • Q : Media coverage on marijuana legalization in california....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    California Proposition 19 on marijuana legalization received a lot of attention from local to international public. This proposition was seeking to allow for recreational use of marijuana by allowin

  • Q : Health and medical care in the us....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Medicaid as a government program provides health and medical care in the US for certain groups of interest and is under the department of human and health services of the US.

  • Q : Gillick competent child....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    A child has three development stages. Early childhood stage is the first stage where the parents have to consent on behalf of their children since at this stage the child cannot consent to the major

  • Q : Territories due to military strength....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Though Napoleon conquered many territories due to his military strength, he finally fell after fighting many battles. Several factors weakened his military strength which led to his down fall.

  • Q : Principles recklessness in criminal law....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    For defining a criminal act, it is required to confirm mens rea, which has many level and the accused must be satisfied up to a certain level to be free of charges and proven as not guilty.

  • Q : Rights of minority shareholders....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The rights of minority shareholders are gaining popularity in most companies and have seen a shift from being ignored and taken as immaterial in the decision made by the organization to being recogn

  • Q : Process of buying and selling tea....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The business contract in this case involved three parties who were involved the process of buying and selling tea. These parties include Suzan who was the buyer in the contract and acting on behalf

  • Q : Inquisitorial and islamic criminal justice....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Compare a contrast two key aspects of the Adversarial, Inquisitorial and Islamic criminal justice: what are the similarities in aims and objectives? What are the differences?

  • Q : Intentional infliction of emotional distress....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Can Andy make a claim against Fred for intentional infliction of emotional distress? What about violation of a right of privacy?

  • Q : Risk management for an international event....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Imagine you are a team of consultants bidding on a project to provide risk management for an international event to be held in the future in a large U.S. city.

  • Q : United states social welfare programs....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Write a 2 page paper assignment questions to discussing the United States Social Welfare Programs. Using the schema (See attached file) select a social welfare program in the U.S. and apply the sche

  • Q : Law for business managerment....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    All law cases in my assignment must be Australia case. it mean, all cases to support my assignment that you using in this assignment is Australia case. And no using other country law in my assignmen

  • Q : Valid contract for the international sale of goods....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Has a valid contract for the international sale of goods been formed? Does it matter that there is, as yet, no writing between the parties?

  • Q : Proportionate and quantum methods....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What is the difference between the ‘proportionate’ and ‘quantum’ methods for dealing with the difference between the net income of the trust calculated using financial accoun

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