• Q : Genetics concepts....
    Biology :

    The mitochondrial ATP synthase is comprised of multiple proteins, and some of these proteins are encoded by the genes in nucleus.

  • Q : Sequence of mrna....
    Biology :

    What sequence of mRNA can be transcribed from the given DNA coding strand? TACGATCGATTTATT

  • Q : Recombination among the microorganisms....
    Biology :

    Define the three kind of recombination among the microorganisms.

  • Q : Trait in the population....
    Biology :

    Describe how the change in this trait takes place. You will explain the trait in the population at the starting point and then what the trait will appear like at a later time, as an outcome of natur

  • Q : Organ systems in the human body....
    Biology :

    Describe how the organ system interacts with the other organ systems in the human body.

  • Q : Creationism discussion....
    Biology :

    Sandra Maxwell and her fellow biology teachers were confused and not happy regarding the condition. As a teacher, Sandra wasn't sure what to do.

  • Q : Components of blood and blood cell....
    Biology :

    The liquid part of the blood is termed as ______. Most of the plasma is comprised of ______ that serves as a solvent and carries heat.

  • Q : Key portions of the cardiac circulation....
    Biology :

    Key portions of the cardiac circulation that provides blood to the wall of the _____, are the ______, the ______, the ______ and the ______. Lack of blood to the heart wall can outcome in ______ or

  • Q : Functions of the excretory system....
    Biology :

    The total functions of the excretory system are to remove ______ like ______, maintain the ______ of the blood, maintain the balance of water and ______ in the blood and regulate the blood pressure

  • Q : Overall rate of metabolic reactions in the body....
    Biology :

    The overall rate of metabolic reactions in the body whenever it is at rest is termed as the ______. The ______ comprises this rate at rest but as well comprises any activities which use energy as we

  • Q : Lungs of a premature infant....
    Biology :

    A molecule which is lacking in the lungs of a premature infant is the ______.  It mainly functions to help to keep the alveoli from collapsing. The positive pressure equipment is compulsory in

  • Q : Factors influencing respiratory rate and depth....
    Biology :

    The main factors which influence respiratory rate and depth are ______ such as talking or coughing, ______

  • Q : Fundamentals of physiology....
    Biology :

    Throughout the method of inspiration, the ______ contracts, pulling downward. As well, the ______ muscles contract and lift the rib cage.

  • Q : Contraction of the heart muscle....
    Biology :

    Contraction of the heart muscle is termed as ______. Relaxation is termed as ______. The first heart sound is caused by ______. The second heart sound is caused by ______.

  • Q : Fundamentals of molecular and cell biology....
    Biology :

    How do meiosis and sexual reproduction (that is, fertilization) produce offspring which differ genetically from parents?

  • Q : Visual recognition-reaction to a ladybug-homer response....
    Biology :

    Describe and exemplify in concrete and physiological terms how Maud is aware of it and where it is before she ever sees it.

  • Q : Developing phase of the fertilized egg....
    Biology :

    Cell division devoid of growth is termed as ______. The developing phase of the fertilized egg till it is nine weeks old is termed as the ______.

  • Q : Method of diffusing the blood....
    Biology :

    The method of diffusing the blood under pressure is termed as ______; this takes place in the ______ and eliminates all small molecules from the blood, the method of ______ then follows, in which he

  • Q : Neighboring osteocytes in an osteon....
    Biology :

    The passageway joining neighboring osteocytes in an osteon is:

  • Q : Functions of the skeletal system....
    Biology :

    Some of the significant functions of the skeletal system comprise:

  • Q : Unnderstanding of skeletal system....
    Biology :

    Which of the given statements regarding the femur is correct?

  • Q : Vertebrae for spinal cord....
    Biology :

    The opening in vertebrae for spinal cord is the:a. Intervertebral disk. b. Vertebral foramen. c. Lamina. d. Intervertebral foramen. e. Spinous method.

  • Q : Skeletal system fundamentals....
    Biology :

    This kind of joint is multi-axial permitting a broad range of movement.

  • Q : Fibrous and cartilaginous joints....
    Biology :

    Synovial joints are distinct from both the fibrous and cartilaginous joints as synovial joints

  • Q : Cellular chemical reactions....
    Biology :

    The sub-atomic particles which play the biggest role in cellular chemical reactions (bonding) are:

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