• Q : Why are algae important in nature....
    Biology :

    Why are algae important in nature? How are algae, fungi and lichens related and how is this relationship defined? Explain how the presence of algae can indicate either pollution or productivity of a

  • Q : What is the nucleotide sequence in the anti-codon loop....
    Biology :

    What is the nucleotide sequence in the anti-codon loop of tRNA that is complementary to the start codon? ______. Indicate the 3' and 5' side of the anti-codon region.

  • Q : Sources of error in the data they compile....
    Biology :

    Your response must be at least 300 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced;

  • Q : Explanation the effect of inhibitor....
    Biology :

    Suppose n-butylmalonate is added to an aerobic suspension of kidney cells using glucose exclusively as fuel. Predict, with explanation, the effect of this inhibitor on (A) glycolysis, (B) oxygen con

  • Q : Cold-blooded dinosaur might face....
    Biology :

    What kind of challenges do you think a warm- or cold-blooded dinosaur might face? Write a two to four page paper regarding this issue.

  • Q : What two organs develop from the neural tube....
    Biology :

    The mesoderm gives rise to the heart, and the ectoderm gives rise to the skin, but are either one of these a valid answer to the aforementioned question?

  • Q : Mendelian and non-mendelian patterns of inheritance....
    Biology :

    From the second e-Activity, in your own words, summarize the pros and cons of using genetically engineered insects to control pests. Determine if you would be for or against the use of genetically e

  • Q : Who has very heavy menstrual bleeding....
    Biology :

    A woman with macrocytic anemia and accompanying sensory loss in the lower legs and a young woman who suffers from fatigue and who has very heavy menstrual bleeding.

  • Q : End-stage renal disease....
    Biology :

    End-stage renal disease (on maintenance hemodialysis, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), most likely secondary to the following Hypertension. Continue same antihypertensive regimen as ordered.

  • Q : Develop iron-deficiency anemia....
    Biology :

    Discuss why some athletes are likely to develop iron-deficiency anemia. Compare iron-deficiency anemia and sports anemia, explaining the similarities and differences between the two.

  • Q : Write out a testable hypothesis in a brief sentence....
    Biology :

    Write out a testable hypothesis in a brief sentence. Derive it from the question posed above and in a second sentence describe a basic, critical control situation

  • Q : How many organisms....
    Biology :

    A biologist is studying the interaction between deer mice, oak trees, and gypsy moths. Over the course of his study he observes 257 deer mice, records the location of 92 oak trees, and traps 1548 gy

  • Q : Different types of microbe-produced fuels....
    Biology :

    a persuasive argument to support further funding for research and development of a microbe-produced fuel that you have determined to be the most viable as an alternative to fossil fuels

  • Q : Dietary history of humans....
    Biology :

    Explain how the presence of the appendix might be used to show our common ancestry with other mammals, and determine what it might tell us about the dietary history of humans. Provide an example wit

  • Q : Understand the underlying science behind the technology....
    Biology :

    Describe the technology. Discuss what it accomplishes. Elaborate on the scientific principles that make this technology possible. Your goal in this section of the paper is to show the instructor tha

  • Q : Alteration of generation in plants....
    Biology :

    From the third e-Activity, summarize the main points of the article you found on algae bloom. Explain how this article relates to this week's lesson, and give three examples with your response.

  • Q : Describe the ntd you researched....
    Biology :

    From the first e-Activity,summarize the main points of the article. Determine what you believe is the most significant piece of information discussed in this article that helps scientists understand

  • Q : What is called a back of the envelope calculation....
    Biology :

    In the sciences we often perform what is called a back of the envelope calculation. Let's ask the question: Can China sustain itself if its entire population starts eating beef?

  • Q : Correspondence of bases to amino acids codes....
    Biology :

    A three-to-one correspondence of bases to amino acids codes for 64 amino acids. What does this information tell you, considering there are only 20 amino acids?

  • Q : Draw the pedigree as described....
    Biology :

    Draw the pedigree as described and what is the probability that this child will have galactosemia?

  • Q : Limited resources for species protection....
    Biology :

    Determine whether or not you believe our limited resources for species protection should be focused on species that are at the highest risk for extinction, and explain why.

  • Q : Highest risk for extinction....
    Biology :

    Determine whether or not you believe our limited resources for species protection should be focused on species that are at the highest risk for extinction, and explain why.

  • Q : Explain how the risk of dehydration increases....
    Biology :

    How do energy needs change during aging and how should the senior citizen adjust his/her diet to account for this change? Explain how the risk of dehydration increases with age and what causes that

  • Q : Define the term critical period during early development....
    Biology :

    Define the term "critical period" during early development. Give one example of a critical time and the possible consequences that could occur if good nutritional behavior is not followed.

  • Q : Ethical issues that might be raised by change in naming....
    Biology :

    Humans belong to the genus Homo and chimpanzees to the genus Pan. Yet studies of primate genes show that chimpanzees and humans are more closely related to one another than each is to any other anim

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