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q what are the major biological processes in which calcium participatescalcium is present in approximately all cells and has various functions
q how mineral salts participate in enzymatic activitymany mineral salts are cofactors of enzymes that are the substances without which enzymes do not
q why ph regulation is important for living beings how mineral salts participate in this regulationthe prospective of hydrogen ph is a measure of the
q what is the function of mineral salts in the creation of electric tension voltage at the cellular levelthe electric activity of the cell for
q how mineral salts participate in osmotic regulationosmotic pressure depends not on the nature of such particles and on the number of particles
q what are the major negative ions found in living beingsthe main anions found in living beings are the chlorine anion cl- the sulphate anion so- the
q which are the major positive ions found in living beingsthe major cations found in living beings are the calcium cation ca the potassium cation k
q what are the ions what are the two kinds of molecules into which ions are classifiedions are substances or atoms electrically charged by means of
q what are the major water properties that make water special for lifethe water properties that make water biologically important are molecular
q can the heat capacity of water be considered small or large what is the biological consequence of that characteristicfrom thermology it is
q what is the significance of water for enzymatic activityenzymes biological catalysts depend on water to reach their substrates and bind to them
q which type of polarity do water-soluble and fat-soluble substances respectively havewater-soluble substances are polar molecules that are they have
q is water a non-polar or a polar molecule what is the consequence of that characteristic for the function of water as solventwater is made of two
q water has key participation in organic reactions what are examples of two types of organic reactions in which water is respectively incorporated or
q what are the main biological functions of waterwater is the basic solvent for chemical reactions of living beings it is the main means of substance
q what is the estimated percentage in mass of water in the human body is this percentage expected to be larger in the adult or in the old
q what are biopolymerspolymers are macromolecules made by the union of several smaller identical molecules called monomers biopolymers are polymers
q what are the few examples of the control and informative function of organic moleculesbased on genetic information organic molecules control the
q what are the few examples of the energetic function of organic moleculessince they are complex molecules organic molecules store large amount of
q what are the few examples of the structural function of organic moleculesorganic molecules have a structural function as they are part of cell
q what are the major purposes of the organic molecules for living beingsorganic molecules like lipids carbohydrates and proteins perform several
q what are the major significant organic molecules for living beingsthere are many types of organic molecules that are important for the living
q which are mineral salts where in living beings can found mineral saltsmineral salts are simple inorganic substances made of metallic chemical
q which are the most important inorganic molecular substances for living beingsthe most important inorganic substances for living beings are mineral
q living beings are made of inorganic and organic substances according to the molecular complexity how can each of those substances be