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q what is the uncontrolled mitotic procedure that occurs as disease in pluricellular beings calleduncontrolled mitotic cell division is known as
q how does mitosis participate in the growth of pluricellular organismsall pluricellular beings grow with the raise in quantity of their cells this
i have a six page assignment which involves barely any writing just labeling some plant structures etc can someone do
q what are some examples of tissues and organs where mitosis is more frequent less frequent or practically absentgenerally in vertebrates mitosis is
q what is the significance of mitosis for the embryonic developmentevery embryo grows from a single cell that bears mitosis and generates other cells
q why in few cases is mitosis a synonym of reproductionin some living beings asexual reproduction occurs by many means binary division budding
q what is the mitosis what is the significance of mitosismitosis is the process in which one eukaryotic cell divides into two cells identical to the
q which of structures is the nuclear membrane composedeukaryotic cells have nucleus delimited with two juxtaposed membranes that continue with the
q explain the nucleolusthe nucleolus is an optically and a small dense region in the interior of the cell nucleus it is made of ribosomic proteins
q do the phylogenetically proximal species have cells with proximal chromosome countsthe number of chromosomes typical of each species is proximal
q how many chromosomes does a human normal diploid cell have how many chromosomes does a human normal haploid cell have how many are the sex
q what is the other name given to the sex chromosomes what is the function of the sex chromosomessex chromosomes are also known as allosomes the
q can two normal individuals of the same species with sexual reproduction have identical karyotypes and identical genomes and how is the human
q what is the difference between the concepts of genome and karyotypegenome is the set of dna molecules that characterizes each species or each
q what are the homologous chromosomes which are the human cells that do not have homologous chromosomeschromosomes contain genes genetic information
q what are the secondary and the primary constrictions of a chromosome and what is the other name given to the secondary constrictionprimary
q how is the chromosome region where the centromere is located called and how chromosomes classified in the relation to the position of their
q what is the structure that to maintains identical chromatids boundthe structure that to maintains identical chromatids bound is the
q how are the concepts of chromosome chromatids and chromatin related in which phase of the cell cycle does the dna duplicatechromatin is a set of
q in the phase when the cell is not dividing interphase is there activity within the cell nucleusin the interphase there is intense metabolic
q what is the relation between the concepts of chromosome and chromatin are heterochromatin and euchromatin part of chromosomesevery filament of
q what are the euchromatin and heterochromatinchromatin is uncondensed nuclear the dna the typical dna morphology in interphase the phase of the cell
q which of the substances is chromatin madechromatin is made of the dna molecules associated to proteins known as
q do all the eukaryotic cells have nucleus andor only one nucleusthere are eukaryotic cells devoid of a nucleus and others with more than one nucleus
q what are the cells with a delimited nucleus called and what are the major elements of the nucleuscells with delimited nucleus are known eukaryotic