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q what are the tissues that form the skin in vertebratesthe skin of vertebrates is made of epidermis is an external layer of epithelial tissue and
q what is the function of the skin in humansthe skin is the external covering of the body in humans its major functions are protection and perception
q what do you mean by hemodialysishemodialysis is the artificial blood filtration made by specific machines in alternative of the kidneys
q what is an evolutionary explanatory hypothesis for the secretion by the heart of a hormone that regulates the renal function which is that
q how does aldosterone act and where is it producedaldosterone is a hormone that acts upon the nephron tubules stimulating the resorption of sodium
q why does the ingestion of alcohol increase diuresisalcohol inhibits the secretion of adh that is antidiuretic hormone by the pituitary that is why
q what is the function of the antidiuretic hormone where it made and which is the stimuli that increase or reduce its secretionthe antidiuretic
q which are the three hormones that participate in the regulation of the renal functionantidiuretic hormone or adh or vasopressin atrial natriuretic
q how do kidneys participate in the blood volume control how is the blood volume of the body related to the arterial pressurethe kidneys and the
q how do kidneys participate in the regulation of the acid-basic equilibrium of the body how are alkalosis and acidosis respectively corrected by the
q in which nephron portion does the regulation of alkalinity and acidity of the plasma occurthe regulation of the acid-basic equilibrium of the body
q what is tubular secretion what are some examples of substances secreted through the renal tubulesuric acid ammonia potassium bicarbonate and
q why do cells of the nephron tubules present a great amount of mitochondriathe cells of the tubule wall have high number of mitochondria because
q where does most of the water resorbed after glomerular filtration go what are the other substances resorbed by the nephron tubulesonly 05 to 1 of
q what is proteinuria why is proteinuria a sign of glomerular renal injuryproteinuria means losing of proteins through urine under normal conditions
q what is the major transformation presented by the glomerular filtrate in comparison to the bloodglomerular filtrate is the name given to the plasma
q what are the three major renal processes that combined produce urineurine is made by the occurrence of three processes in the nephron that are
q what is the functional unity of the kidneysthe functional filtering unity of the kidneys is the nephron a nephron is made of efferent arteriole
q which are the vessels that drain filtered blood from the kidneysthe renal veins carry the blood that has been reabsorbed in the nephron tubules and
q what are the vessels that carry blood to the kidneys is this blood venous or arterialthe renal arteries are ramifications of the aorta and so the
q which are the organs of the excretory systemthe excretory system is formed of ureters two kidneys two bladder and
q how is urea formed in the human bodyurea is a product of the degradation of amino acids in the process amino acids lose their amine group which is
q what is the main nitrogen waste of humanshuman beings excrete largely urea eliminated with the
q how do embryos of placental mammals excrete nitrogen wastesplacental animals including embryos and excrete urea in the adult placental mammal urea
q why is the uricotelic excretion essential for reptile and avian embryosin birds and reptiles the excretory system is uricotelic since uric acid is