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what is the dichogamydichogamy is phenomenon of the maturation of female reproductive structures of the plant in a different period to the maturation
what is difference between self pollination and cross pollination which of the two modes of pollination contributes more to the plant diversityself
q hutchinsons system of classificationjohn hutchinson a renowned british botanist proposed 24 phyletic dicta or principles and based on these dicta
q show classification of englearn dprantls systemthe outline and basis of classification of englearn d prantls system are given below1 plant kingdom
q engler and prantls system of classificationadolf engler professor of botany university of berlin germany proposed a phylogenetic system of
q phylogenetic systems of classificationas already pointed out earlier that in phylogenetic system the plants are classified according to their
after the pollination how does fecundation occur in angiosperms in these plants is fecundation dependent on waterafter the pollination one of the
q merits and demerits of system classificationmeritsthe merits of this systemare as underbullcareful observation and original description of the
q basis of classification on form-relationship principleas pointed out earlier this system is mainly based on form-relationship principle thus the
how different are gymnosperms from pteridophytes and bryophytesgymnosperms are not cryptogamic as pteridophytes and bryophytes are they are
q describe bentham and hookers systembernard de jussieu 1699-1776 tried to classify the plants in royal garden paris during this exercise he
q how linnaeus classify the plant kingdomlinnaeus classified the plant kingdom into 24 classes in his famous work genera plantarum 1737 and species
what are the major divisions and representing species of the gymnospermsthis group of plants can be separated into conifers pine sequoia cypress that
q on which type of basis you classify the plantslinnaeus mainly employed the characters of stamens and carpels and that is why the system is called
what is xaximmost pteridophytes have subterraneous stems similar to the substrate called as rhizomes xaxim is a kind of pteridophyte with an aerial
q show artificial systems of classification of plantscarolus linnaeus 1707-1778 popularly known as carl von linne was born on may 1707 at result a
q illustrate natural and phylogenetic classificationnatural classificationnatural systems of classification reflect the situation as it might have
what is the lasting form in the gametophyte pteridophytes or the sporophyte how can it be compared to bryophytesthe lasting form in pteridophytes is
q can you show the systems of classification plantsthe development of angiosperm classification has been one of the most fascinating subject a study
how are gametes formed in the pteridophyte life cycle by mitosis or meiosis what is the type of meiosis that occurs in pteridophytesin pteridophytes
q what is embryonic sac which are the cells that form the embryonic sac what are their ploidiesthe embryonic sac is female gametophyte of
q how is female gametophyte formed in angiospermsinto the flower ovary there are megasporangia enclosed by a tegument having a small opening the
q how many cellular nuclei does the pollen tube of angiosperms have what is ploidy of each of these nucleithe pollen tube explicitly the mature male
q how are the male gametes and the male gametophytes formed in angiospermsin the anthers of every stamen there are pollen sacs inside the pollen sacs
q what is the pollination what are the major forms of pollinationthe procedure in which pollen grains the male gametophytes of phanerogamic plants