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explain the behavioural change communicationone of the reasons for the widespread prevalence of pem in our country is ignorance due to illiteracy
define poverty alleviation to control under nutritionthere are a number of development programmes aiming at employment assurance to the landless and
define promoting food security to control under nutritionpublic distribution of food grains through a network of ration shops particularly to reach
define supplementary feeding to control under nutritionsupplementary feeding has remained an important component to control under nutrition
ensure proper diet to control protein energy malnutritionpem is preventable it is a disease of the poor and the ignorant that suffer from social
define clinical progress for treatment for pemnormally clinical improvement is evident within a week with the disappearance of oedema the appetite
define control of infections for treatment for pemappropriate antibiotics should be started immediately since infections are the immediate cause of
define oral rehydration for treatment for pemsince diarrhoea is very common in severe pem correction of dehydration is the first step in the
define vitamin and mineral supplements for treatment for pemall cases of severe pem require multivitamin preparation to meet the increased demands
define diet for treatment for protein energy malnutritiontreatment of cases of kwashiorkor or marasmus involves mainly providing appropriate
how do we treat protein energy malnutritionmajor objective of the treatment of pem is to provide adequate energy and protein intake and control
what are the consequences of pem the consequences of pem are most often long lasting and irreversible the common consequences includebullirreversible
explain about the serengeti ecosystemthe serengeti ecosystem one of the most stunning biological communities in the world was devastated by the
explain the community ecology of diseaseebola hantavirus bubonic plague lyme disease west nile virus rinderpest and canine distemper virus are all
define biodiversity and ecosystem stabilityhumans have transformed ecosystems all through the world frequently replacing diverse natural ecosystems
explain the ecological niche modellingthe geographic range of organisms frequently reflects their fundamental niche the range of physical conditions
explain the pathogens of forest insectscaterpillars that defoliate forest trees have main economic impacts many such species go through periodic
explain the invasive speciestens of thousands of non-native species have been introduced into the united states of america with more arriving each
explain the combating drug-resistant diseasesthe growth of drug-resistant strains of disease-causing bacteria threatens the current effectiveness of
define conservation genetics and hybridizationis the genetic integrity of european wolves threatened by hybridization along with free-ranging dogs to
explain management strategies for genetically modified cropscrops that have been genetically modified gm to be toxic to insect pests are now common
define the community ecology of diseaselyme disease is a debilitating infectious disease which has emerged in north america in the last two decades
explain about the brownian ratchets and molecular motors how work is carried out by molecules within biological cells is essential to understanding
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explain about the pulse vaccinationhow many doses of a given vaccine administered to what people and on what schedule permit eradication or control