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what are the main biological functions of the polysaccharidespolysaccharides have an energy storage function and a structural function
what are pentoses what are the roles of pentoses in dna and rna moleculespentoses are carbohydrates made of five carbonsthe dna molecule is made of a
what are hexoses what are some examples of hexoses with important biological functionshexoses are carbohydrates made of six carbons glucose fructose
what is the difference between monosaccharides and disaccharides what are some examples of disaccharides and of monosaccharides that form
what are monosaccharides oligosaccharides and polysaccharidesmonosaccharides are normal molecules of carbohydrates that cannot be broken into smaller
what is the molecular formula of glucose how can its structural formula be describedthe molecular formula of glucose is c6h12o6structurally glucose
what are the organic chemical groups that characterize carbohydrates how are carbohydrates classified according to the presence of those
what are the main biological functions in which chlorine ions participatelike sodium cations chlorine anions actively participate in the regulation
why is iodine important for human beingsiodine is a fundamental chemical element for the proper functioning of the thyroid since it is part of the
what is phosphorylation what are some biological processes in which phosphorylation plays a critical rolephosphorylation is the name given to
what is the significance of magnesium for plants what are the other main biological functions of magnesiummagnesium is fundamentally significant for
what is hemoglobin what is the inorganic element that is fundamental in the composition of hemoglobinhemoglobin is the protein present in the blood
what are the main biological processes in which calcium participatescalcium is present in almost all cells and has some functionscalcium has a
how do mineral salts participate in enzymatic activitymany mineral salts are cofactors of enzymesie they are substances without which enzymes do not
why is ph regulation important for living beings how do mineral salts participate in this regulationthe potential of hydrogen ph is a measure of the
what is the role of mineral salts in the creation of electric tension voltage at the cellular level the electric activity of the cell for instance in
how do mineral salts participate in osmotic regulationosmotic pressure depends on the number of particles dissolved in a solution and not on the
what are the main negative ions found in living beingsthe major anions found in living beings are the chlorine anion cl- the phosphate anion po4--
which are the main positive ions found in living beingsthe major cations found in living beings are the sodium cation na the potassium cation k the
what are ions what are the two types of molecules into which ions are classified ions are atoms or substances electrically charged by means of loss
what are the main water properties that make water special for lifethe water properties that make water biologically significant are molecular
can the heat capacity of water be considered small or large what is the biological significance of that characteristic from thermology it is called
what is the importance of water for enzymatic activityenzymes biological catalysts rely on water to reach their substrates and bind to them there is
which kind of polarity do water-soluble and fat-soluble substances respectively havewater-soluble substances are polar molecules ie they have
is water a polar or a non-polar molecule what is the consequence of that characteristic for the function of water as solventwater is made of two