• Q : Explain the experiment of sirna....
    Biology :

    I'm going to undertake an siRNA experiment soon, but I have only read about them. I want to address the role an enzyme plays in processing a protein. From what I understand, I will need to pick two

  • Q : Explain the adaptations of pumping blood in giraffe....
    Biology :

    A giraffe's heart has special adaptations to enable it to pump blood up the animal's long neck to its head. A giraffe's heart has the formidable task of pumping blood at high enough pressure so that

  • Q : What is heating physical mechanism that acts during fever....
    Biology :

    I know that somehow the hypothalamus "orders" to increase the standard body temperature regulation, and this should stimulate mitochondria to produce more ATP.

  • Q : How sleepwalkers don''t stumble around when walking....
    Biology :

    Walking is an acquired skill; As far as I'm concerned exhaustion causes disorientation. Even after waking up it sometimes takes a second or so to get balanced.

  • Q : List some cases where males of a mammal species produce milk....
    Biology :

    Birds from the family Columbidae (e.g., doves and pigeons) produce a fatty, milk-like substance in their crop. The secretion is often referred to as "crop milk." They feed crop milk to their young t

  • Q : How does hemoglobin-free blood transport oxygen....
    Biology :

    I'm unsure about the use of physiology/metabolism in the title there. The question in mind is whether this reversible binding makes an organism slower, or faster; perhaps more capable of surviving i

  • Q : What is the population of coliforms and generic....
    Biology :

    What is the population of coliforms and generic E.coli in the following sample? you plated 150ul per plate (duplicate plates) and all dilutions were made on 9 ml 0.1% peptone water tubes. Initial we

  • Q : Difference between capsule and bacteria causing disease....
    Biology :

    What is the relationship between having a capsule and the ability of a bacteria to cause disease? WHY?

  • Q : How to prepare 1.4l of 10% alcohol from 95% alcohol....
    Biology :

    What volume of a 15% NaCl-Agar broth should be used to prepare 375 ml of 0.5 % NaCl-Agar broth? How many 24 ml plates can you make with this 375 ml?

  • Q : Describe the protein structure....
    Biology :

    What levels of protein structure would be affected if all hydrogen bonding interactions were prevented

  • Q : What are genotypes....
    Biology :

    You have three guinea pigs: white, orange, and brown. You wanted to make some crosses to determine inheritance pattern for coat color.

  • Q : Explain the role of x and y chromosome....
    Biology :

    Males usually have 1 Y chromosome and 1 X chromosome (XY). However, in extremely rare cases males can have 2 Y chromosomes AND 3 X chromosomes (XXXYY). These males have severe mental retardation and

  • Q : How chromosomes result in the birth of child....
    Biology :

    It's obvious how a misdisjunction can result in klinefelter's syndrome (XXY) but I don't see how this can result in XYY syndrome. Your parents have a collective total of only one Y chromosome so,

  • Q : How nutrition is redused in ladies....
    Biology :

    For some inexplicable reason from the ladies in my extended family (even friends!) seem to believe that vegetables/food should be subjected to as few freeze/thaw cycles as possible. The rationale pu

  • Q : What mechanism determines which gene gets expressed....
    Biology :

    We all carry two copies of each gene (outside of male sex chromosomes). If the two differ from each other often one is dominant and one recessive. How does this mechanism work on a molecular level?

  • Q : Could bacteria emerge in the world....
    Biology :

    I know from school, that all live on the Earth need bacteria as low-level "machines" that break down/extract/convert/produce chemical elements and combinations, other high-level organisms needed. Bu

  • Q : Explain the distribution of isotope....
    Biology :

    Hershey and Chase showed that when phages were labeled with 32P and 35S, the 35S remained outside the cell and could be removed without affecting the course of infection, whereas the 32P entered the

  • Q : Explain the roles of the various cadherins....
    Biology :

    We were talking about the roles of the various cadherins and their discoveries but we got to cell signaling pathways and in reading my textbook I'm finding myself confused by these pathways-- some o

  • Q : What is complementary dna sequences....
    Biology :

    What would the complementary DNA sequences be to each of the following templateDNA strands?

  • Q : What happens when a gel is run in agar....
    Biology :

    Agar is a relatively cheap substance from red algae. And it contains a saccharide agarose as well as a small amount of pectin.

  • Q : How flickerings occur....
    Biology :

    From then on, I started to focus on these flickerings and they are everywhere. Street lights, lights in a house, but also computer monitors or even projections on a screen. Again, the flickering onl

  • Q : How to identify lack of hiv....
    Biology :

    There's a story going round the news about a baby that was, apparently, cured of HIV using a cocktail of drugs at an early age. The story piqued my interest, but details seem scarce.

  • Q : Give the demonstration of nrnas for protein....
    Biology :

    You have discovered that a single protein in two different cell lines is significantly overexpressed in one of them. The proteins are identical, yet Northern blot analysis has demonstrated that the

  • Q : How might you isolate a mouse homologue of mnx....
    Biology :

    The Drosophila Mnx protein is expressed in the proneural clusters. Experiments indicate that Mnx function is necessary for the activation of the Notch receptor by the Delta ligand.

  • Q : What is the highest melting point of fatty acid....
    Biology :

    Which fatty acid has the highest melting point

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