• Q : Estimating confidence interval for the population....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that the population is usually distributed construct a 95% confidence interval estimate for the population mean for each of the following samples: Sample A: 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8.

  • Q : Formulating linear program model and solving the problem....
    Basic Statistics :

    Formulate an linear program model and solve the problem. Include the 4 steps of: Defining the variables, State the objective function, State the content constraints.

  • Q : Computing prediction regression equation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Compute and write the prediction regression equation. Report standard measures of leverage (X space), studentized deleted residuals (Y space), and SDFFITS (influence) for each city.

  • Q : Calculating the log-odds ratio and probability....
    Basic Statistics :

    For X1=2 and X2=1 calculate the log-odds ratio for each group, i.e. X3=0 and X3=1.For X1=2 and X2=1 calculate the odds ratio for each group, i.e. X3=0 and X3=1.

  • Q : Arranging the data in cumulative distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Arrange the data in a less-than cumulative distribution using seven classes of equal width. Draw to scale, the less-than o give of the above distribution.

  • Q : Correlation coefficient-multiple regression....
    Basic Statistics :

    For a multiple regression with three explanatory variables the value of R2 is 0.75.

  • Q : Computational and statistical analysis....
    Basic Statistics :

    You are given data similar to the examples and sample problems in the statistics topic. Write MATLAB program to do the following

  • Q : Presentation regression....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following table presents the monthly data on sales volume (col 2) and promotional spending (col 3) of a company. Column (4) shows an index of economic activity in the local economy.

  • Q : Protein residue analysis....
    Basic Statistics :

    The numbers on above represent a sample of 50 data pairs in protein residue analysis.  Within this case a presence of an antibody residue (the X-variable) was paired with the antigen residue (t

  • Q : Calculating the standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    The number of arrivals per minute at the bank located in a central business district of large city was recorded over a period of 200 minutes, with the results. Calculate the standard deviation.

  • Q : Human capital theory....
    Basic Statistics :

    According to the human capital theory education increases a worker’s productivity and thus leads to higher wages.

  • Q : Mutually exclusive events-binomial distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    The binomial experiment consists of n independent, identical trials, each of which results in either success or failure and the probability of success on any trial must be the same.

  • Q : Measures of central tendency....
    Basic Statistics :

    You require to properly citing all material in report. Each report will have at least one citation as every group will require citing where they got their data from.

  • Q : Computing set of weights that maximizes the sharpe ratio....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use the variance-covariance matrix (∑) and the expected return vector (er) given in the table below, compute the set of weights which correspond to the portfolio that maximizes the Sharpe Ratio

  • Q : Determining standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    he scores on Algebra test have a mean of 73 and the standard deviation of 7.  If 85% of the students must have a passing score, what is that score.

  • Q : Compute distribution standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Compute the distribution’s standard deviation. Show the mean and standard deviation on one of the histograms in.

  • Q : Aussies support junk food crackdown-study....
    Basic Statistics :

    Most of the Australians would support "traffic light" labeling on foods and banning junk food advertising during children's television viewing times, a new study shows.  

  • Q : Finding probability distribution of sales value....
    Basic Statistics :

    Salesperson visits from house to house to sell her knives. The probability that she makes a sale at a random house is .3. Given that she makes a sale, the sale is worth $100 with probability .6 and

  • Q : Calculate cumulative frequency and cumulative percentage....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use the following data to answer parts a, b, c, and d below (assume continuous data).  Be sure to reproduce the frequency distribution and add columns for cumulative frequency and cumulative perc

  • Q : Z-stat-z-critical-p-value of the test....
    Basic Statistics :

    Explain how this output verifies your conclusion in part a. by reference to either z-stat and z-critical or the p-value of the test.

  • Q : Constructing confidence interval for the mean temperature....
    Basic Statistics :

    Construct a 99% confidence interval for the mean temperature of all healthy humans. Draw this confidence interval in the space between the histogram and the box plot. Indicate both this sample&rsqu

  • Q : Null and alternative hypotheses for test....
    Basic Statistics :

    Dullco Manufacturing claims that its alkaline batteries last at least 40 hours on average in a certain type of portable CD player. But tests on a random sample of 18 batteries from a day's large pro

  • Q : Mle and ols simulations....
    Basic Statistics :

    What was your average estimate of σ in MLE and OLS for your simulations?

  • Q : Histogram in estimating the proportion of shares....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use HISTOGRAM to ESTIMATE the proportion of shares with a negative return.

  • Q : Probability distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the probability which no more than 65 voters favour the ban.

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