• Q : Find out the descriptive statistics for given data....
    Basic Statistics :

    Creek Ratz is very populat restaurant located along coast of northern florida. They serve the variety of steak and seafood dinners. Describe why the times are a popualation. Find out the mean and med

  • Q : Find out descriptive statistics for given data....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following frequency distribution reports electricity cost for sample of 50 two-bebroom apartments in albuquerque, new mexico throughout the month of May last year.

  • Q : Finding probability values by using binomial distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assume 1.5 percent of antennas on new nokia cell phones are defective. For the random sample of 200 antennas, find out the probability that:

  • Q : Computing probability values by using normal distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find out the z values for 29 and 34 hours. What percent of garages take between 32 hours and 34 hours to erect. Determine the percent of garages take between 29 hours and 34 hours to erect.

  • Q : Computing probability values using normal distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find out the percent of sales representatives earn more than $ 42,000 per year? What percent of the sales representatives earn between $32,000 and $42,000? What percent of the sales representatives ea

  • Q : Estimate regression equation for given data....
    Basic Statistics :

    A business man would like to see whether there's a relationship between the number of cases of sold and  temperature in hot summer day based upon information taken from past.

  • Q : Frame linear programming model for given data.....
    Basic Statistics :

    Computer software programs for solving linear programs are readily available. Most of these provide the optimal solution, dual or shadow price information-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of

  • Q : Evaluating probability values for given data....
    Basic Statistics :

    If we were to ask one person at random, find out the probability that they will like punk rock? If we were to ask one person at random, find out the probability that they will be in age group 21 - 25?

  • Q : Estimating the sample size-normal distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    A researcher is interested in estimating the noise levels in decibels at the area urban hospitals. She desires to be 99% confident that her estimate is correct. If the standard deviation is 4.8, how

  • Q : Describing hypothesis test for one sample mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    A researcher claims that average age of people who purchase lottery tickets is 60. A sample of 30 is selected and their ages are recorded as given below.

  • Q : Maximum error of estimate and sample size....
    Basic Statistics :

    Given the level of confidence of 99% and population standard deviation of 10, what other information is vital: Given the above confidence level and population standard deviation, find out the Maximu

  • Q : Probability-two independent events....
    Basic Statistics :

    A certain airplane has two independent alternators to offer electrical power. The probability that the given alternator will fail on the 1-hour flight is .02. Find out the probability that (a) both

  • Q : Probability of fatal accident over lifetime....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find out the probability of fatal accident over a lifetime? Explain your reasoning carefully. Hint: Suppose independent events. Why might the assumption of independence be violated?

  • Q : Probability value-binomial distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Each football game begins with the coin toss in presence of captains from the two opposing teams. (The winner of the toss has the choice of goals or of kicking or receiving first kickoff.) A particu

  • Q : Addition rules for probability....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that an event A contains 10 observations and event B contains 15 observations. If intersection of events A and B contains exactly three observations, ho

  • Q : Finite population correction factor....
    Basic Statistics :

    In sampling without replacement from the population of 900, it's found that standard error of mean, σx_ (sigmax bar), is only two-thirds as large as it would've been if the population were infin

  • Q : Confidence interval for mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    In simple random sample from population that's approximately normally distributed, the following data values were gathered.

  • Q : Determining hypothesis test for one sample mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    For 1996, U.S. Department of Agriculture has estimated that American consumers would've eaten, on average, 2.6 pounds of cottage cheese during the course of that year. We can conclude that average c

  • Q : Scatter plot-correlation and coefficient of determination....
    Basic Statistics :

    Describe the logic of what you've done, writing as if you were speaking to someone who has never had the statistics course, but who does understand mean, standard deviation, and Z scores.

  • Q : Hypothesis testing-population mean-critical and p-value....
    Basic Statistics :

    You're the manager of restaurant which delivers pizza to college dormitory rooms. Using the 6-step critical value approach, at the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence that the population m

  • Q : Hypothesis testing-population mean using p-value....
    Basic Statistics :

    A manufacturer of chocolate candies employs machines to package candies as they move along the filling line. Find out the p-value and interpret its meaning. Is there evidence that population mean amou

  • Q : Hypothesis testing-difference between two population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    At the 0.01 level of significance, is there evidence that the mean price is higher at the Whole Foods Market than at Fairyway supermarket? Interpret the meaning of p-value in (a). What assumption is

  • Q : One way anova and post hoc test....
    Basic Statistics :

    The retailing manager of a supermarket chain wants to determine whether product situation has any effect on the sale of pet toys. What should the retailing manager conclude? Describe the retailing ma

  • Q : Hypothesis testing based on mann-whitney u test....
    Basic Statistics :

    A vice president for marketing recruits 20 college graduates for the management training. The 20 individuals are randomly alloacted, 10 each, to one of two groups. Is there evidence of a difference

  • Q : Confidence interval-population proportion....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find out a 95% confidence interval for true population proportion of voters who favor such a tax. Find out a 99% confidence interval for true population proportion of voters who favor such a tax.

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