• Q : Explain normal approximation to binomial distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    A new drug has been developed that is found to relieve nasal congestion in 90 percent of those with the condition. The new drug is administered to 300 patients with this condition. What is the proba

  • Q : What is the 99 percent confidence interval....
    Basic Statistics :

    The independent Department Store wants to determine the proportion of their charge accounts having unpaid balance of $500.00 or more.

  • Q : Express chi-square test for independence of attributes....
    Basic Statistics :

    The null hypothesis is H0: there is no difference in the results between the shifts.Alternate hypothesis is H1: there is a difference in the results between the shifts.

  • Q : Kruskal wallis non- parametric anova....
    Basic Statistics :

    Describe the requirements that must be met before an ANOVA test can be used. Discuss what the researcher must do if one of the requirements is not met and give examples.

  • Q : Use a combination of content and supportive examples....
    Basic Statistics :

    Please review analysis of ranked data Lind regards to the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, and Kruskal-Wallis test - analysis of variance by ranks. Of previously listed test which

  • Q : Conclude the regression equation....
    Basic Statistics :

    A study is being undertaken of companies going public. Of particular interest is the relationship between the size of the offering and the price per share. A sample of ten companies that recently we

  • Q : Write down out the multiple regression equation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Thompson Machine Works purchased several new, highly sophisticated machines. The production department needed some guidance with respect to qualifications essential by an operator. Four variables we

  • Q : Interpret the meaning of the slopes....
    Basic Statistics :

    Interpret the meaning of the slopes of the given multiple regression equation.Assume the regression equation that has been used to estimate value of existing homes is as follows.

  • Q : Define what is descriptive statistics....
    Basic Statistics :

    define what is descriptive statistics.

  • Q : Calculate mean, median, variance, standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Calculating mean, median, variance, standard deviation, sum of squared deviation.

  • Q : Find out descriptive statistics for given data....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find descriptive statistics for given data.For the following scores, find out the (A) mean, (B) median, (C) sum of squared deviation (d) variance, and (e) standard deviation.

  • Q : Explain z-score and raw score (x) conversion....
    Basic Statistics :

    On a standard measure of hearing ability, mean is 300 and the standard deviation is 20. Give the Z score for person who scores (a) 340, (b) 310, and (c) 260. Give the raw scores for persons whose Z

  • Q : Which is this person''s stronger ability....
    Basic Statistics :

    A person score 81 on a test of verbal ability and 6.4 on the test of quantitative ability. For the verbal ability test, the mean for people in general is 50 and the standard deviation is 20. For the

  • Q : Hypothesis testing using single factor anova....
    Basic Statistics :

    Do students at various colleges differ in now sociable they are? Twenty-five students were randomly selected from each of three colleges in a particular region and were asked to report on the amount

  • Q : What is the theoretical probability....
    Basic Statistics :

    Before you make a decision about Mr. Nerdly's decision, why not try the birthday game from yourself. You might want to play several times before you draw any conclusions.

  • Q : Make up a scatter diagram with 10 dots....
    Basic Statistics :

    Interpreting a scatter diagram.Make up a scatter diagram with 10 dots for each of the following Situations.

  • Q : Problem on probability based geometry distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    The Report. Explain your investigation in a report. Follow conventions as described in the general guidelines for writing up Special Problems. You would be graded on both the accurateness of your wo

  • Q : What is the 95 percent interval for the population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    The mean weight of trucks travelling on a particular section of I-475 is not known. A state highway inspector needs an estimate of the mean. He selects a random sample of 49 trucks passing the weigh

  • Q : What is the best estimate of the average tread....
    Basic Statistics :

    Mileage tests were conducted on a randomly selected sample of 100 newly developed automobile tires. The average tread life was found to be 50,000 miles with a standard deviation of 3,500 miles. What

  • Q : What is an interpretation of a 96 percent confidence level....
    Basic Statistics :

    A bank wishes to estimate the mean balances owed by customers holding MasterCard's. The population standard deviation is estimated to be $3.00. If a 98 percent confidence interval is used and an int

  • Q : What is the interval approximation for the population....
    Basic Statistics :

    Voters sampled said they planned to vote for the republican candidate for president. Using the 0.95 degree of confidence, what is the interval approximation for the population proportion (to the nea

  • Q : Define critical value for one sample t-test....
    Basic Statistics :

    A random sample of size 15 is selected from a normal population. The population standard deviation is unknown. Suppose that a two- tailed test at the 0.10 significance level is to be used. For what

  • Q : Explain test for a single population proportion....
    Basic Statistics :

    A manufacturer of stereo equipment introduces new models in the fall. Retail dealers are surveyed immediately after the Christmas season regarding their stock on hand of each piece of equipment.

  • Q : What is the null hypothesis....
    Basic Statistics :

    Based on the Nielsen ratings, the local CBS affiliate claims its 11:00 pm newscast reaches 41 percent of the viewing audience in the area. In a survey of 100 viewers, 36% indicated that they watch t

  • Q : How a lot of junior executives must be studied....
    Basic Statistics :

    The mean number of travel days per year for salespeople employed by hardware distributors needs to be estimated with a 0.90 degree of confidence. For small pilot study mean was 150 days and the stan

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