• Q : Experiment of tossing a fair coin....
    Basic Statistics :

    Repeat 10 times the experiment of tossing a fair coin 4 times and recording the number of heads obtained. You thus obtain a random sample of size 10 from a binomial distribution with 4 trials and p

  • Q : Size of the standard error....
    Basic Statistics :

    What can a researcher do to influence the size of the standard error? What can a researcher do to influence the probability of type 1 error?

  • Q : Probability retired person....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a survey of 2000 adults 50 years and older of whom 80% were retired and 20% were pre-retired, the following question was asked: Do you expect your income needs to vary from year to year in retire

  • Q : Construction of a private clinic....
    Basic Statistics :

    1) A group of medical professionals is considering the construction of a private clinic. If the medical demand is high ( i.e., there is a favorable market for the clinic), the physicians could reali

  • Q : Increased numner of small commuter planes....
    Basic Statistics :

    The increased numner of small commuter planes in major airports has heightened concern over air safety. An eastern airport has recorded a monthly average of five near-misses on landing and takeoffs

  • Q : Question regarding the observational study....
    Basic Statistics :

    Is this an observational study or an experiment? Why? What are the explanatory and response variables?

  • Q : Determine the required sample size....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find the sample size necessary to estimate the mean IQ score of statistics students such that it can be said with 95% confidence that the sample mean is within 5 IQ points of the true mean. Assume t

  • Q : Construction of two shopping centers....
    Basic Statistics :

    A company is working on the construction of two shopping centers. The probability that the larger one will be completed on time is 0.35 and the probability that both will be completed on time is 0.

  • Q : Question regarding the exponential distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Individuals ages 15 to 19 spend .9 hour per day using a computer for leisure. If these times follow an exponential distribution, find the proportion of each group that spends:

  • Q : Geometric distribution with parameter....
    Basic Statistics :

    There are c different types of coupon and each time you obtain a coupon it is equally likely to be any of the c types. Let Yi be the additional number of coupons collected, after obtaining i distinc

  • Q : Determining flow rate of contaminant....
    Basic Statistics :

    The daily flow rate of contaminant from an industrial plant is modeled by a normal random variable with a mean value of 10 units and a c.o.v. of 20%. When the contaminant flow exceeds 14 units on a

  • Q : Estimate the probability of batteries....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that your wireless mouse has a single battery and that you buy batteries that have a mean lifetime of 6 weeks with a standard deviation of 1.5 weeks. As each battery dies, it is replaced wit

  • Q : Find the probability that the prot....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that you invest the entire $200,000 in one stock. Find the probability that the prot will be more than $16,000.

  • Q : People with a total weight....
    Basic Statistics :

    An elevator in the APM building can carry about 20 people with a total weight of 3000 lbs. Suppose that the average weight of the campus community is 150 lbs with a standard deviation of 55 lbs.

  • Q : Random sample-convenience sampling-cluster sampling....
    Basic Statistics :

    Classify each scenario as one of the following sampling methods: Voluntary Response, Simple Random Sample, Convenience Sampling, Cluster Sampling, or Stratified Random Sampling. Also determine wheth

  • Q : Random sample-convenience sampling-cluster sampling....
    Basic Statistics :

    Classify each scenario as one of the following sampling methods: Voluntary Response, Simple Random Sample, Convenience Sampling, Cluster Sampling, or Stratified Random Sampling. Also determine wheth

  • Q : Tested for nitrogen-oxide emissions....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a sample of seven cars, each car was tested for nitrogen-oxide emissions ( in grams per mile) and the following results were obtained: 0.06, 0.17, 0.08, 0.14, 0.11, 0.08, 0.17.

  • Q : Harper index....
    Basic Statistics :

    According to Harper's Index, 48% of all federal inmates are serving time for drug dealing. A random sample of 15 federal inmates is selected.

  • Q : Find the critical value....
    Basic Statistics :

    Do one of the following as appropriate: A) find critical value za/2 B) find critical value ta/2 C) state that neither are normal nor t distribution applies.

  • Q : Percentage of the years....
    Basic Statistics :

    What percentage of the years would average between 21 and 37 days of excess emissions of sulfur dioxide? 95% What percentage of the years would exceed 37 days? 2.5%

  • Q : Conduct a hypotheses test....
    Basic Statistics :

    Conduct a hypotheses test to determine whether the mean number of days until a home is sold is different than the Hamilton county mean of 86 days in the nearby county. Round your answer to four deci

  • Q : Measurement of contaminant flow rate....
    Basic Statistics :

    Regulation requires the measurement of contaminant flow rate for 3 days. The plant will be charged with a violation if excessive contaminant flow rate is observed during the 3-day period.

  • Q : Probabilities of winning....
    Basic Statistics :

    Show how you get the probabilities of winning all of the above amounts. Find the expected winnings. Find the expected gain after paying $1 to play.

  • Q : Derive a combinatorial identity....
    Basic Statistics :

    From a set of n people, a committee of size j, j<n, is to be chosen, and then a subcommittee of size i, i < j, is to be chosen. Derive a combinatorial identity for the number of subcommittees

  • Q : Consecutive numbers....
    Basic Statistics :

    A box contains tags marked 1, 2, 3,..., n . Two tags are chosen at random. Find the probability that the tags chosen show two consecutive numbers if

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