• Q : Sample used computer software....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the probability that less than 30% of the taxpayers from the sample used computer software to do their taxes? What is the probability that between 28% and 40% of the taxpayers from the sample

  • Q : Probability a container....
    Basic Statistics :

    A cola-dispensing machine is set to dispense a mean of 2.020 liters into a container labeled 2 liters. Actual quantities dispensed vary and the amounts are normally distributed with a standard devia

  • Q : Mean temperature difference summer....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following table gives the average high temperatures in January and July for several European Cities. Write a 90% confidence interval for the mean temperature difference summer and winter in Euro

  • Q : Relatively easy crossword puzzles....
    Basic Statistics :

    MTV Some students do homework with the TV on. (Anyone come to mind?) Some researchers want to see if people can work as effectively with as without distraction. The researchers will time some volunt

  • Q : Test of indepence or homogeneity....
    Basic Statistics :

    A random survey of autos parked in student and staff lots at a large university classified the brands by country of origin, as seen in the table. Are there difference in the national origins of cars

  • Q : Sampling distribution for the sample mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    The sampling distribution for the sample mean is Normal with a mean of 14.8 feet and standard deviation of .65 feet. The mean of the sampling distribution for the sample mean is 14.8 feet

  • Q : Durbin-watson statistic....
    Basic Statistics :

    Weekly commodity prices for heating oil ( in cents) were obtained for a period of 30 weeks and regresses against time. Based on the regression output show below, what does the Durbin-Watson statisti

  • Q : Random sample from uniform distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let Y1, Y2, ... Yn denote a random sample from uniform distribution on the interval (0, theta).

  • Q : What is the mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the mean? (Note: The answer key says $4, but it doesn't make any sense to me) What is the probability that X is at least 4? (Note: The answer key says 2/3 but again, it doesn't make any sense)

  • Q : Distribution to calculate probability of event....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use the binomial distribution to calculate the probability of an event with p=.05 occuring 5 or more times out of 100. Use central limit thrm (with continuity correction).

  • Q : Variance of process....
    Basic Statistics :

    Can you conclude at the 5% level that one way yields a different mean value than the other? Can you conclude at the 5% level that the variance of process 2 is lower than that of process 1?

  • Q : Proportions of resistors....
    Basic Statistics :

    Can you conclude from these results that the proportions of resistors in each of the categories are different for each company?

  • Q : Confidence interval for the population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    How much does a typical employee and his or her family spend per year on dental expenses? A sample of 45 employees reveals the mean amount spent last year was $1,820, with a standard deviation of $

  • Q : Home-based businesses work average....
    Basic Statistics :

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, self-employed persons with home-based businesses work an average of 23 hours per week at home. Which of the following 95% two-sided confidence inter

  • Q : Estimate the mean number of days....
    Basic Statistics :

    If a wildlife service wishes to estimate the mean number of days of hunting per hunter for all hunters licensed in the state during a given season, with a bound on the error of estimation equal to 2

  • Q : Particular type of insect....
    Basic Statistics :

    A chemist who has prepared a product designed to kill a particular type of insect wants to evaluate the kill rate of her preparation.

  • Q : Estimator of theta....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find the maximum likelihood estimator of theta, and observe that it is a function of this geometric mean.

  • Q : Survival functions for each treatment group....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following table details the experiences of participating men and women. The data below are years of death or years of last contact for men and women. Estimate the survival functions for eac

  • Q : General the germination rate....
    Basic Statistics :

    A seed company claims that its variety of seeds has a 90% germination rate. For a sample of 800 seeds, 700 germinated. Can we conclude at the 0.05 level that in general the germination rate is less

  • Q : Amounts of potassium for a random sample....
    Basic Statistics :

    High-Potassium Foods Potassium is important to good health in keeping fluids and minerals balanced and blood pressure low. High-potassium foods are those that contain more than 200 mg per serving.

  • Q : Sample standard deviation of the breaking strengths....
    Basic Statistics :

    In an inertia welding experiment, a sample of 50 welds were tested. The sample mean and sample standard deviation of the breaking strengths of these welds were found to be 94 ksi (thousand pounds pe

  • Q : Completing the analysis of significant results....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the final task after completing the analysis of significant results? Why is the size effect useful at this stage?

  • Q : Explain the analysis of variance....
    Basic Statistics :

    How would you explain the analysis of variance, assuming that your audience has not had a statistics class before?

  • Q : Approximatioon of sampling distribution of mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Desrcribe situations where a normal distribution provides a good approximatioon of the sampling distribution of the mean?

  • Q : Approximatioon of the sampling distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Desrcribe situations where a normal distribution provides a good approximatioon of the sampling distribution of the mean?

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