• Q : Average price of a car wash....
    Basic Statistics :

    Ben claims that the average price of a car wash in West Newton is more than $6.00. A sample of five car washes has an average price of $6.60 and a standard deviation of $1.10. At alpha = 0.05, test

  • Q : Comment on the relationship of the population....
    Basic Statistics :

    Compare your answers in a and b and comment on the relationship of the population distribution and the distribution of sample means.

  • Q : Find the true population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    On a standard IQ test, the standard deviation if 15. How many random IQ scores must be otained if we want to find the true population mean (with an allowable error of 0.5) and we want 97% confidence

  • Q : Normal population with a mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Consider a normal population with a mean of 10 and a variance of 4. Find P(X >=10).

  • Q : Normal approximation to estimate....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let X bar 10,000 be the fraction of heads in 10,000 tosses. Use Chebyshev's inequality to bound P(|Xbarn - 1/2| is greater than or equal to 0.01) and the normal approximation to estimate this probab

  • Q : Chance of winning....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a 162-game season find the approximate probability that a team with a 0.5 chance of winning will win atleast 87 games.

  • Q : Estimate the probability that a checker....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that the checkout time at a grocery store has a mean of 5 minutes and standard deviation of 2 minutes. Estimate the probability that a checker will serve at least 49 customers during her 4-h

  • Q : Expected yearly claim per policy holder....
    Basic Statistics :

    An insurance company has 10,000 automobile policyholders. The expected yearly claim per policy holder is $240 with a standard deviation of $800. Approximate the probability that the yearly claim exc

  • Q : Confidence interval for the fraction of votes....
    Basic Statistics :

    Of the first 10,000 votes cast in an election, 5180 were for Candidate A. Find a 95% confidence interval for the fraction of votes that Candidate A will receive?

  • Q : Number of items produced at a factory per week....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that it is known that the number of items produced at a factory per week is a random variable X with mean 50. a) What can we say about the probability X greater than or equal to 75? b) Suppo

  • Q : Statistical behavior of packet arrivals....
    Basic Statistics :

    Authors of paper describe a data packet switch that uses the statistical behavior of packet arrivals to reduce interconnected complexity. The binomial distribution is used to model the number of pac

  • Q : Number of daily debit card purchases....
    Basic Statistics :

    A company is studying the number of daily debit card purchases. if there were 20 purchases and the probability of a debit card purchase is 0.5. a) Of the 20 purchases, what is the expected value of

  • Q : Studying the number of daily debit card purchases....
    Basic Statistics :

    A company is studying the number of daily debit card purchases. if there were 20 purchases and the probability of a debit card purchase is 0.5. a) Of the 20 purchases, what is the expected value of

  • Q : Probability a customer buys both gasoline and groceries....
    Basic Statistics :

    Determine the probability a customer buys both gasoline and groceries. Determine the probability a customer buys either gasoline or groceries.

  • Q : Significant relationship between verbal skills....
    Basic Statistics :

    Out of the 100 students with low math skills, 30 had high verbal skills. Based on the test results, can the researcher conclude that there is a significant relationship between verbal skills and mat

  • Q : Relationship between schizophrenia and season of birth....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following hypothetical data represent a sample of 50 individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and a sample of 100 people with no psychotic diagnosis. Each individual is also classified according

  • Q : Data indicate a significant change....
    Basic Statistics :

    Do the data indicate a significant change in the grade distribution? Test at the .01 level of significance.

  • Q : Write out the lp formulation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Write out the LP formulation (math model) for finding the shortest distance from City 1 to City 6. Solve the model above

  • Q : Mean and variance of the total number of customers....
    Basic Statistics :

    Out of 100 customers from this insurance company, find out the mean and variance of the total number of customers that file accident claims

  • Q : Minimum percentage of data between....
    Basic Statistics :

    A distribution has a mean of 110 and a standard deviation of 20 if nothing is known about the shape of distribution, what is the minimum percentage of data between 60 and 160.

  • Q : Point estimate of the mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    It is known that the population mean for the Full Scale IQ of the WAIS is 100 with a standard deviation of 15. A researcher assesses a sample of 200 adults and find that they have a mean Full Scale

  • Q : Indicating the positions of the critical value....
    Basic Statistics :

    Sketch the normal curve indicating the positions of the critical value, critical region, and test statistic. Would you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis?

  • Q : Approximation to the binomial distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution, compute the approximate probability that less than or equal to 150 people die of this disease

  • Q : Terms of the normal curve....
    Basic Statistics :

    What does the p-value tell the business statistician, especially in terms of the normal curve? If the p-value is smaller than the level of significance, what does that mean in terms of the null hypo

  • Q : Time uniformly distributed between noon....
    Basic Statistics :

    A group of 10 people agree to meet for a lunch at a cafe between 12 noon and 12:15 PM. Assume that each person arrives at the cafe at a time uniformly distributed between noon and 12:15 PM, and that

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