• Q : Historical study of a random variable....
    Basic Statistics :

    Conduct an historical study of a random variable of your choice, collect a sample of observations and provide detailed descriptions of this sample.

  • Q : Proportions of blood phenotypes....
    Basic Statistics :

    The proportions of blood phenotypes A, B, AB, and O in the population of all Caucasians in the United States are .41, .10, .04, and .45, respectively. To determine whether or not the actual populati

  • Q : Margin of error for the interval estimate....
    Basic Statistics :

    Construct a 96% confidence interval for the true mean breaking strength of a certain type of 10 ft. long cables. Assume that there are 100 such cables with mean = 457 lbs while the standard deviatio

  • Q : Confidence interval for the mean weight per....
    Basic Statistics :

    As a commercial buyer for a private supermarket brand, suppose you take a random sample of 12 cans of beans packed at a canning plant. The mean weight per can is found out to be 15.97oz with standa

  • Q : Estimate the mean dollar amount of sales....
    Basic Statistics :

    A prospective purchaser of a toy store wishes to estimate the mean dollar amount of sales per customer at a toy store located at an airline terminal. Based on information collected from similar airp

  • Q : Confidence interval for the mean salary....
    Basic Statistics :

    The economy may be headed for recession. As the manager of a bank, you would like to know the average income of the bank's credit card customers. A sample of 100 randomly selected customers yields

  • Q : Percentage of the population....
    Basic Statistics :

    What percentage of the population will have scores greater than 80? For a sample of 81 scores randomly selected from this population, what is the probability that the average score of the sample is g

  • Q : Confidence interval for the population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    Compute an 80% confidence interval for the population mean (mhu) of rim diameters for such ceramic vesselsfound at the Wind Mountain archaelogical site.

  • Q : Standardized least-squares regression line....
    Basic Statistics :

    You have constructed a standardized least-squares regression line to explore how hours worked and stress influence grades. What is the value of the Y intercept?

  • Q : Expected turnout for a city....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the expected turnout for a city in which the unemployment rate was 10% and 75% of the campaign ads were negative? Round to the nearest whole number (no decimals).

  • Q : Probability that a randomly selected person....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the probability that a randomly selected person will figure out the killer within the first 20 minutes?Q. What is the probability that a randomly selected person will still not know who the

  • Q : Order of wings at a downtown bar....
    Basic Statistics :

    It is well known that the time it takes to be served an order of wings at a downtown bar, from the moment of placing the order, is normally distributed with a mean of 28 minutes and a standard devia

  • Q : Biinomial distribution be approximated by normal....
    Basic Statistics :

    In "Boston Record Game Fishes", it is stated that in the Cozumel region, approximately 40% of strikes (while trolling) result in a catch. Suppose that on a given day a fleet of fishing boats got a t

  • Q : National study of the changing workforce....
    Basic Statistics :

    The National Study of the Changing Workforce conducted an extensive survey of 2958 wage and salaried workers on issues ranging from relationships with their bosses to household chores.

  • Q : Cards from a standard deck of cards....
    Basic Statistics :

    You are dealt a hand of three cards from a standard deck of cards, one at a time. What is the probability that the first red card you get is the third card dealt? Show how and provide the answer to

  • Q : Permutations with objects together....
    Basic Statistics :

    Permutations with objects together: How many ways can the words be rearranged in ALLABABA with BABA together? Permutations with objects NOT together: How many ways can the word be rearranged in CRESPI

  • Q : Find the number of ways to select the starting....
    Basic Statistics :

    There are 7 guards and 6 centers trying out for the starting 5 in a basketball team with specific positions. Find the number of ways to select the starting 5 and put them into their positions.

  • Q : Difference between a pair of treatment....
    Basic Statistics :

    If a confidence interval for the difference between a pair of treatment means includes 0, then we fail to reject the null hypothesis that there is no difference in the pair of treatment means.

  • Q : Neccecisity for cognitive closure and persuasion....
    Basic Statistics :

    Three experiments delving into the relationship between the neccecisity for cognitive closure and persuasion were reported in "Motivated Resistance and Openess to Persuasion in the Presence or Absen

  • Q : Location of significant archaelogical artifcats....
    Basic Statistics :

    The Wind Mountain archaeological site is located in soutwestern New Mexico. Wind Mountain was home to a culture of prehistoric Native Americans called Anasazi. A random sample of excavations at Wind

  • Q : Number of fish caught....
    Basic Statistics :

    In "Boston Record Game Fishes", it is stated that in the Cozumel region, approximately 40% of strikes (while trolling) result in a catch. Suppose that on a given day a fleet of fishing boats got a

  • Q : Confidence interval and a prediction interval....
    Basic Statistics :

    Which of the following is NOT a difference between a confidence interval and a prediction interval?

  • Q : Null hypothesis for an anova analysis....
    Basic Statistics :

    When the null hypothesis for an ANOVA analysis comparing four treatment means, is rejected,

  • Q : Best point estimate for population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a recent study of 35 ninth-grade students, the mean number of hours per week that they played video games was 16.6. The population standard deviation was 120 mins. Find the value of the best poin

  • Q : Margin of sampling error....
    Basic Statistics :

    A random variable Y has unknown mean µ and standard deviation 20. What is the sample size n needed so that the 99% margin of sampling error is 5?

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