• Q : Evidence for gender difference....
    Basic Statistics :

    On a sample of 30 women and 20 men, 12 men like footbaill, while 15 men like football. Is there evidence for gender difference?

  • Q : Decide the level of significance....
    Basic Statistics :

    You are the member of a commission that studies the gender inequalities. From a survery, you obtain that, on a random sample of 40 managers, 12 are females. Knowing that the employment share is 45%

  • Q : Sample size in order to reject the null hypothesis....
    Basic Statistics :

    If we assume the proportion does not change what should be the sample size in order to reject the null hypothesis (in case it were not rejected)?

  • Q : Determining appropriate test....
    Basic Statistics :

    Your company produces metal rods. They are required to be exactly 100cm long. From a quick survey, you find that, in a sample of 6 rods , the length is 99, 98, 99, 100, 98,100. Draw your conclusions

  • Q : Confidence intervals contain the population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    The following problem should be answered in R. Any answers (partial or complete) would be greaty appreicated! Generate 50 normal distributions with mean= 15 and standard deviation= 3 with a sample s

  • Q : Region of non rejection for variable....
    Basic Statistics :

    On a sample of 40 women and 60 men, 24 women like shopping, while 28 men like shopping, is there evidence for gender differences?

  • Q : Smokers and cardiovascular diseases....
    Basic Statistics :

    A survey is conducted to verify whether there is a connection between smokers and cardiovascular diseases. 35 over 60 persons with cardiovascular problems are smokers. Can we conclude that the major

  • Q : Estimate the average cost of the freshman....
    Basic Statistics :

    A dean of men wishes to estimate the average cost of the freshman year at a particular college correct to within $260, with a probability of 0.95. If a random sample of freshmen is to be selected an

  • Q : Difference between the mean acidity for rainfalls....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose you wish to estimate the difference between the mean acidity for rainfalls at two different locations, one in a relatively unpolluted area and the other in an area subject to heavy air pollu

  • Q : Compute the probability of concluding the workers....
    Basic Statistics :

    Draw the power curve and compute the probability of concluding the workers are not up to par for some actual population means in the alternative set.

  • Q : Consider the type of clothes dryer....
    Basic Statistics :

    Consider the type of clothes dryer (gas or electric) purchased by each of ve di erent customers at a certain store.

  • Q : Probability that the numbers of red and green balls....
    Basic Statistics :

    At the conclusion of the selection process, what is the probability that the numbers of red and green balls in the rst box are identical to the numbers at the beginning?

  • Q : Summarizes the data in form of frequency counts....
    Basic Statistics :

    The poll results show that 12% of the men and 33% of the women fear flying. After constructing a contingency table that summarizes the data in the form of frequency counts, test the claim that gende

  • Q : Expected value of the result favor....
    Basic Statistics :

    Supposed that you believe that the probability that his team wins is 80%. If your judgement is accurate, who does expected value of the result favor, you or your friend?

  • Q : How many choices are possible....
    Basic Statistics :

    How many choices are possible if Al and Bob are fueding and will not go to the party? How many choices are possible if Al and Betty insist that they both go or neither goes?

  • Q : Group consisting of six men and six women....
    Basic Statistics :

    Four people are randomly from a group consisting of six men and six women. What is the probability that the group will consist of two men and two women?

  • Q : Strings of ten digits length....
    Basic Statistics :

    How many strings of ten digits length can be formed using only the digits 1,2,3,4,5? Digits may be used more than once in the same string.

  • Q : Mean or average variance standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    Data Analysis Problem: For the data set below, calculate the following: Mean or average Variance Standard Deviation Mode Medium Range Q1, Q3, and IQR

  • Q : Percent of all telephones of a certain type....
    Basic Statistics :

    Twenty percent of all telephones of a certain type are submitted for service while under warranty. Of these, 60% can be repaired, whereas the other 40% must be replaced with new units. If a company

  • Q : Children boutique specializes....
    Basic Statistics :

    A local children's boutique specializes in formal wear for young girls. It has recently hired a new seamstress. To assure the dresses have standard sizes, twenty samples of each 12 dresses that were

  • Q : Probability of making a type....
    Basic Statistics :

    Shorney Construction Company bids on projects assuming the mean idle time per worker is 72 or fewer minutes per day. a sample of 30 construction workers will be used to test this assumption. Assume

  • Q : Process are nonconforming....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that 10% of all steel shafts produced by a process are nonconforming but can be reworked (rather than having to be scrapped). Consider a random sample of 200 shafts, and let X denote the num

  • Q : Observed value for average number of television....
    Basic Statistics :

    The average number of television sets in the sample households turns out to be 2.56, and the SD is 0.73. What is the observed value for the average number of television sets per household?

  • Q : Test the pharmaceutical company....
    Basic Statistics :

    A pharmaceutical company claims that their drug is effective on more than 90% of all adults. A research company randomly selects 1000 adults and finds that the drug was effective on 850 of them. Us

  • Q : Keep count of the number of particles....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose that there is a constant probability p that any emitted particle is not counted. If Rt equals the number of particles counted during the specified interval, what is the probability distribut

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