• Q : Standard deviation target value of population standard....
    Basic Statistics :

    Do the sample standard deviation target the value of the population standard deviation? In general do sample SD make good estimators of population SD? Why or why not?

  • Q : Find the area of the shaded region....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find the area of the shaded region. The graph depcits IQ scores of adults and those scores are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a SD of 15. The area of the shaded region is?round to four

  • Q : Find the indicated z score....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find the indicated z score. The graph depicts the standard normal distrubtion with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. the indicated z score is? round to two decimal places. z 0 the shaded region is 0.

  • Q : Appropriate hypothesis test....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assume the December low temperature distribution is normal. It is of interest to know if the sample data suggest the average low temperature is lower than 12F. Perform an appropriate hypothesis test

  • Q : Probability of selecting a class....
    Basic Statistics :

    Find the probability that a given class period runs between 50.75 and 51.5 minutes. Find the probability of selecting a class that runs between 50.75 and 51.5 minutes. round to three decimals.

  • Q : Subway departure schedule and the arrival....
    Basic Statistics :

    The waiting times between a subway departure schedule and the arrival of a passenger are uniformly distrubted btween 0 and 6 minutes. Find the probability that a randomly selected passener has a wai

  • Q : Randomly generate data from normally distributed population....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use statdisk, excel or other tools to randomly generate data from a normally distributed population with a given mean and standard deviation.

  • Q : Calculate the p-value to three decimal places....
    Basic Statistics :

    A dean of a business school wants to know if the proportion of graduates who use statistical inference within the first year of graduation is greater than 0.6. A survey of 314 graduates resulted in

  • Q : Probability that we do not draw an ace....
    Basic Statistics :

    Suppose we draw k cards out of a deck. What is the probability that we do not draw an ace? Is the answer larger or smaller than (3/4)^k?

  • Q : Described by the random variable....
    Basic Statistics :

    Ann is waiting in line at the DMV. Her waiting time is described by the random variable x (in minutes) with the following distribution. fx(x)= c/(x+1)^2 for x>0 and 0 otherwise.

  • Q : Figure correspond to in standardized variables....
    Basic Statistics :

    Mr Brown has a position open for a person to sell sofas. There are two applicants, applicant 1 and applicant 2. He gets applicant 1 to work in store 1 for a week, and applicant 2 to work in store 2

  • Q : Side of integer increments for the range....
    Basic Statistics :

    Similar to the worked example in class, you can simplify to only consider "diffusion" to one cell to either side of integer increments for the range from the 10-year to 500-year values.

  • Q : Standard error of difference between two independent....
    Basic Statistics :

    Calculate the estimate for the standard error of difference between two independent means for s12 = 12, s22 = 17, n1 = 14, and n2 = 23. (Give your answer correct to two decimal places.)

  • Q : Randomly chosen without replacement....
    Basic Statistics :

    Three balls are randomly chosen without replacement from an urn containing 4 red, 3 white, and 3 blue balls. suppose that we win $2 for each white ball selected and lose $1 for each red selected. Yo

  • Q : Results of the different games....
    Basic Statistics :

    In a typical sports playoff series, two teams play a sequence of games until one team, the eventual winner, has won four games. Suppose that each game Team A beats Team B with a probability of 0.55

  • Q : Expected number of times the student....
    Basic Statistics :

    st pass a placement exam to get into a needed class. Suppose the student guesses on all the answers and therefore has only 10% chance of passing the test each time. What is the expected number of ti

  • Q : Determining the poisson random variable....
    Basic Statistics :

    Assume that X is a Poisson random variable with μ = 20. Calculate the following probabilities. (Round your intermediate calculations and final answers to 4 decimal places.) a. P(X less

  • Q : Probablity of a dry day....
    Basic Statistics :

    The weather in Bitsburg on any given day can be classified as sunny, cloudy or partially cloudy. Each day is also classified as dry or wet (i.e. rain, snow, sleet, etc.). The probability of a sunny

  • Q : Eight tails occuring....
    Basic Statistics :

    If a coin is flipped 25 times with eight tails occuring, what is the probability that no run of six (or more) consecutive heads occur? (Solve using generating funciton)

  • Q : Functional with probability q....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let Q be a random variable which is uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. On any given day, a particular machine is functional with probability Q. Furthermore, given the value of Q, the status of t

  • Q : Appropriate null hypothesis....
    Basic Statistics :

    John Jay takes a random sample of 23 Quarer Pounders. they have a mean weight of 4.08 ounces with a standard deviation of .17 ounces assume burger weights are normally distributed. What is an approp

  • Q : Probabilities from the binomial probability mass....
    Basic Statistics :

    Let X be a binomial random variable with p=0.5 and n=10. Calculate the following Probabilities from the binomial probability mass function. Round your answers to four decimal places.

  • Q : Inclusion-exclusion formula with events....
    Basic Statistics :

    Imagine a game of three players where one player wins in the end and all players have equal chances of being the winner. The game is repeated four times. Find the probability that at least one perso

  • Q : Normally distributed with a standard deviation....
    Basic Statistics :

    A recent survey described the sleep time of college students as normally distributed with a standard deviation of 1.15 hours and a mean of 7.02 hours. Suppose we wish t take a simple random sample o

  • Q : Even number of die rolls....
    Basic Statistics :

    We roll a fair die repeatedly until we see the number 4 appear and then we stop. Find the probability that we needed an even number of die rolls.

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