• Q : Class of finite unions of sets....
    Algebra :

    Show that the class of all finite unions of sets of the form A X B with A ? A and B ? B is a ring of subsets of X ? Y .

  • Q : Square free integers and conductors and maximal ideals....
    Algebra :

    Prove that [O:Of]= f (index as additive abelian groups). Prove conversely that a subring of O containing the identity.

  • Q : Local rings and maximal ideals....
    Algebra :

    Prove conversely that if R is a commutative ring with 1 in which the set of non-units forms an ideal M, then R is a local ring with unique maximal ideal M.

  • Q : Determining nilpotents and units....
    Algebra :

    Let R = C([0, 1]) be the ring of continuous real-valued functions on the interval [0, 1], with the usual definitions of sum and product of functions.

  • Q : Question on ring proofs....
    Algebra :

    Let R be a domain. Prove that the polynomial f(x) is a unit in R[x] if and only if f(x) is a nonzero constant which is a unit in R.

  • Q : Commutative ring proof....
    Algebra :

    More generally, show that if a divides bc with nonzero a,b then a/(a,b) divides c. (Here (a,b) denotes the g.c.d. of a and b).

  • Q : Problem on local ring proof....
    Algebra :

    A local ring is commutative with identity which has a unique maximal ideal. Prove that R is local if and only if the non-units of R form an ideal.

  • Q : Problem on finite ring proofs....
    Algebra :

    Give a direct proof (i.e. without appealing to part c) that if R is an integral domain, then it is a field.

  • Q : Determining radius of the ring....
    Algebra :

    Show that the inner radius of ring A is squared root 60cm, and find similar expressions for the inner radii of ring B and ring C.

  • Q : Algebra problem-commutative ring....
    Algebra :

    Find elements x and y in a ring of characteristic 4 such that (x + y)^4 != x^4 + y^4.

  • Q : Problem based on irrational numbers....
    Algebra :

    Indicate which of the following statements about sets under the specified operations are true. For the ones that are false, provide one counter-example.

  • Q : Problem based on maximization....
    Algebra :

    How many of each type of ring should be made daily to maximize the company's profit, if the profit on a VIP ring is $30 and on an SST ring is $60?

  • Q : Proving that a finite subring of a field is a field....
    Algebra :

    Prove that a finite subring R of a field F is itself a field. Hint: if x is an element of R and x is not equal to 0 show the function f:R->R with f(r).

  • Q : Ring theory and cartesian product....
    Algebra :

    If R and S are rings, the cartesian product RxS is a ring too with operations and additive inverse -(r,s) = (-r,-s)

  • Q : Evaluating homomorphism....
    Algebra :

    Suppose F, E are fields and F is a subring of E. Suppose g is an element of E and is algebraic over F, that is p(g)=0 for some nonzero.

  • Q : Problem-ring isomorphism....
    Algebra :

    If E is a field and H is a subgroup of Aut(E), show that the set E^H of elements of E that are fixed (sent to themselves) by every Q in H.

  • Q : Problem based on ring theory....
    Algebra :

    If a,b are positive integers with greatest common divisor d and least common multiple m, show aZ+bZ=dZ and aZ intersect bZ=mZ.

  • Q : Problems in ring theory....
    Algebra :

    Let R be a commutative ring and let I ? R be an ideal. Show that vI := { f ? R | there exists n ? N such that fn ? I } is an ideal of R.

  • Q : Question on polynomial rings....
    Algebra :

    We have seen that R is a principle ideal domain. That is, every ideal is generated by a single element of R. Find h(x) in R so that I = {f(x)h(x) | f(x) in R}.

  • Q : Problem on polynomial rings....
    Algebra :

    Let p be any prime integer. Consider polynomials f(x) and g(x) of the form. Consider the multiplicative group of nonzero elements of Zp.

  • Q : How personality theory affect modern times....
    Algebra :

    How to evaluate personality theory over time, and how and why historical personality theories lend themselves to understanding people and events.

  • Q : Ideals and maximal ideals....
    Algebra :

    If I,J are ideals in a ring R such that I+J=R and R is isomorphic to the product ring (R/I)x(R/J) when IJ=0, describe the idempotents corresponding.

  • Q : Problem on product rings and relations....
    Algebra :

    In each of the cases below, describe the ring obtained from F2 by adjoining an element x satisfying the relation: (i) x2+x+1=0, (ii) x2+1=0, (iii) x2+x=0.

  • Q : Proving local rings....
    Algebra :

    For the previous rings that you decided are not local, slightly change their definition (without proof) such that you get a local ring.

  • Q : Set of r-module homomorphisms....
    Algebra :

    Identify Hom(Z/nZ,Z), Hom(Z,Z/nZ), Hom(Z/3Z,Z/6Z), Hom(Z/10Z,Z/6Z) as abelian groups, where n belongs to Z and Z is the set of integers.

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