• Q : Draw ogives from the given data....
    Basic Statistics :

    Draw ogives from the following data and measure the median value. Verify it by actual calculation.

  • Q : Probability of having visa card....
    Basic Statistics :

    what is the probability of selecting a family that has either a visa card or an american card?

  • Q : Survey by the company marketing department....
    Basic Statistics :

    A recent survey by the company's marketing department has determined that among customers who have bought the product, one of eight were called.

  • Q : Calculate the probability value....
    Basic Statistics :

    Can you claim that the market situation has improved? Calculate the probability value and compare with significance level 0.05.

  • Q : Mean salaries for men and women....
    Basic Statistics :

    Your research hypothesis is that the mean salaries for men and women are different. Draw your conclusion at significance level 0.05.

  • Q : Find the corrected value for the median....
    Basic Statistics :

    Later we discover that the $1945 value was mis-recorded and should have been $2945.  (a) Find the corrected value for the median.

  • Q : Components chosen for testing....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the probability that the faulty component will be one of the two components chosen for testing?

  • Q : Expected value and variance of random variable....
    Basic Statistics :

    Two dice are rolled and the two resulting values are multiplied together to form the quantity z. What are the expected value and the variance of the random variable z?

  • Q : Problem related to regression model....
    Basic Statistics :

    Consider the following regression model: Graph salary (Y) against years of experience (X). Do this for both groups (without MBA, with MBA) on the same graph.

  • Q : Confidence interval for the unknown proportion of smokers....
    Basic Statistics :

    Calculate a 95 percent confidence interval for the unknown proportion of smokers among the UoI student population.

  • Q : Percent confidence interval for the mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    The average fill volume from a random sample of 49 bottles of an energy drink is 32.8 ounces; the standard deviation among the individual fill volumes is3.5 ounces. Determine a 95 percent confidence

  • Q : Proportion of smokers....
    Basic Statistics :

    You are interested in the proportion of smokers. Consider a population consisting of N = 4 elements: the first two persons smoke, while the remaining two do not smoke. That is {S, S, N, N}

  • Q : What is the probability of accepting a shipment....
    Basic Statistics :

    A company receives a very large shipment of components. A random sample of sixteen of these components is checked, and the shipment is accepted if fewer than two of the sampled components are defect

  • Q : What is the weight that should be written on the packet....
    Basic Statistics :

    The weights of packets of cookies produced by a manufacturer have a normal distribution with mean 202 grams and standard deviation 3 grams. What is the weight that should be written on the packet so

  • Q : Probability related problems....
    Basic Statistics :

    The weights of packets of cookies produced by a manufacturer have a normal distribution with mean 202 grams and standard deviation 3 grams. What is the weight that should be written on the packet so

  • Q : Problem based on level of confidence....
    Basic Statistics :

    If the owner of KINT wants the estimate to be within one quarter of an hour of the viewing time, how many executives should be surveyed if a 99% level of confidence is desired?

  • Q : Estimate the proportion of customers....
    Basic Statistics :

    The Wester Refineria company STATISTICIAN wants to estimate the proportion of customers who use a credit /debit card to pay at the pump. She surveyed 150 customers and found out that 120 paid us

  • Q : Point estimate of the population mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    What is the point estimate of this population mean? What does it signify?

  • Q : Draw a histogram of the population distribution....
    Basic Statistics :

    Draw a histogram of this population distribution and compute the population mean and standard deviation of the numbers.

  • Q : Mean starting salary for college students....
    Basic Statistics :

    The mean starting salary for college Stats Major graduates in spring of 2011 was $65,000. Assuming a normal distribution with a S. D. of $4,000. What percent of the population have starting salari

  • Q : Explain the continuity correction factor....
    Basic Statistics :

    Explain the Continuity Correction Factor and provide a good example.

  • Q : Problem based on statistical mean....
    Basic Statistics :

    The statistical mean can be used to measure various aspects of the teen market, including amount spent, age of teenage consumers, etc. Use techniques presented in this chapter to analyze each of th

  • Q : Probability of discrediting the claimed percentage....
    Basic Statistics :

    Use a significance level of 5% to help you reach a suitable statistical decision. What would be the probability of discrediting the claimed percentage (of 66%) if in fact it were true?

  • Q : Concepts of hypothesis testing....
    Basic Statistics :

    In each of these areas, statistics, in particular hypothesis testing, plays a central role. Using the case information and the concepts of hypothesis testing, discuss the following:

  • Q : Descriptive statistics....
    Basic Statistics :

    Descriptive statistics (see "Key Formulas" in your textbook for a list) for each of the four variables along with an explanation of what the descriptive statistics tell us about the motion picture in

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