• Q : Principles of industrial electrochemistry....
    Chemistry :

    Consider a cell consisting of a silver wire coated with solid silver chloride and a zinc wire in an aqueous solution of zinc chloride at 25oC.

  • Q : Magnitude of the force parallel and perpendicular....
    Physics :

    Point A is located at ( 9i+3j+4k)m, point B is located at ( 6i-7j+2k)m. The force on a thin wire from A to B is 500 Ib. What are the magnitude of the force parallel and Perpendicular to an axis lin

  • Q : Demonstrating the presence of igg in tissue....
    Biology :

    What is the underlying biological difference between methyl green/ pyronin method and immunocytochemical method in demonstrating the presence of IgG in tissue? And these methods interchangeble. and

  • Q : Magnitude and coordinate direction angles....
    Physics :

    Determine the magnitude and coordinate direction angles for the resultant force of the combination of the two forces shown. The angle between F1 and positive X-axis is 60 degree, F1 and the positiv

  • Q : Develop a hypothesis for how kernel color....
    Physics :

    Develop a hypothesis for how kernel color is inherited . The hypothesis should include:

  • Q : Article about medicine-invasive species-nature....
    Biology :

    Select an article from a magazine or newspaper that has something in it that pertains to biology. For instance, you can select an article about medicine, invasive species, nature, conservation, gene

  • Q : Normal approximation to the binomial probability....
    Mathematics :

    How would you find the normal approximation to the binomial probability P(x = 4) in part A?  Please show how you would calculate µ and σ in the formula for the normal approximation

  • Q : Isothermal expansion and adiabatic expansion....
    Physics :

    Explain what is meant by the terms "isothermal expansion" and "adiabatic expansion". In each case derive an expression for the work done in expanding an ideal gas. Derive an expression for the chang

  • Q : Velocity versus time graph....
    Physics :

    Draw a velocity versus time graph for her journey. Draw a position versus time graph for her journey.

  • Q : Bureau of land management....
    Physics :

    The Bureau of Land Management wants you to present a plan for a self-contained city. The population is 1,000. Your job is to locate the site and provide a map, a physical description of the land, an

  • Q : Project real image of the moon....
    Physics :

    An astronomical telescope is used to project a real image of the moon onto a screen 32 cm from an ocular of 6 cm focal length. How far must the ocular be moved from its normal position? Give your a

  • Q : Concentration of the enzyme in the experiment....
    Physics :

    1. The hydration of CO2 is catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase. The data below was collected for this enzyme. Determine the Km, vmax  and kcat for this enzyme.  The concentration of the enzyme i

  • Q : Energy conservation measures....
    Physics :

    Research and briefly identify the energy conservation measures that reduce a building's energy use by reducing one or more of the heating/cooling/electrical loads experienced by that building. (hint

  • Q : Find measures of angles if pair of interior angles is given....
    Mathematics :

    Two parallel lines are cut by a transversal. Find the measures of the angles if a pair of interior angles on the same side of the transversal.

  • Q : Members cd and gf of the truss....
    Physics :

    Determine the force in members CD and GF of the truss and state if the members are in tension or compression. Also indicate all zero force members.

  • Q : Determine the required force of p....
    Physics :

    Determine the required force of P that must be applied at the blade of the pruning shears so that the blade exerts a normal force ( all vertical ) of 20 pound on the twig at E. There are four compo

  • Q : Tension or compression....
    Physics :

    Determine the force in each member of the truss and state if the members are in tension or compression. Set P1=400 pound, P2= 300 Pound, p3 = 0 pound.

  • Q : Determine the normal reaction....
    Physics :

    Determine the normal reaction at the roller A and horizontal and vertical components at Point B for equilibrium of the mmember.

  • Q : Disseminating the results of the project....
    Biology :

    Using 250-500 words summarize your strategy for disseminating the results of the project to key stakeholders and to the greater nursing community. (project: Increase patients readiness to increase

  • Q : Preparation of aspirin....
    Biology :

    This experiment is about Preparation of Aspirin and I would like from you to write a report.The report should be up to 700 words and it should include: abstract, introduction, materials and methods,

  • Q : Curvature of earth....
    Science :

    From a 220 feet high lighthouse in the Bahamas island of Nassau, a person sees a ship on the horizon. Due to the curvature of earth, how far is the ship from the lighthouse?

  • Q : Active participation of students....
    Biology :

    Discussion Board (DB) is part of the core of online learning. Classroom discussion in an online environment requires the active participation of students and the instructor to create robust interact

  • Q : Determine the harmonic number....
    Physics :

    A tunnel leading straight through a hill makes tones at 135 Hz and 165 Hz especially loud due to standing waves. Knowing that these two tones are two harmonics apart, find the smallest length the t

  • Q : Fundamental standing wave pattern....
    Physics :

    A 400 Hz vibrating source produces a standing wave pattern in a 1.5 m string that contains two antinodes. When the same string is simply plucked so that it vibrates in its fundamental mode, it gener

  • Q : Determining the amplification system....
    Physics :

    The average relative intensity of a person's voice is 58 dB. A microphone and amplification system increases the relative intensity to 70 dB. By what factor did the amplification system increase the

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