• Q : Derive the expressions to find the wavelength of a particle....
    Physics :

    Derive the expressions to find the wavelength of a particle of mass m and charge q accelerated through a potential difference V for the non-relatavistic case and relativistic case.

  • Q : Displacement with respect to original position....
    Physics :

    Arvin the Ant travels 30 cm eastward, then 25 cm northward, and finally 15 cm westward. What is Arvin's direction of displacement with respect to his original position?

  • Q : How many of the gallons were used for city driving....
    Mathematics :

    Carole's car averages 14.9 mi/gal in city driving and 25.7 mi/gal in highway driving. if she drove a total 474.9 mi on 21 gal. of gas, how many of the gallons were used for city driving?

  • Q : Distance travel problem....
    Physics :

    A car traveling at 36.4 m/s takes 27.0 minutes to travel a certain distance according to the driver's clock in the car. How long does the trip take according to an observer at rest on Earth?

  • Q : What is the ph of the given solution....
    Chemistry :

    0.80g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) pellets are dissolved in water to make 6.5L of solution. What is the pH of this solution?

  • Q : Find the distance of the shooter to the target....
    Mathematics :

    A paintball is aimed at a target and shot at an angle of 25 degrees above horizontal and lands at its original height 3.00s later. Find the distance of the shooter to the target.

  • Q : What vector has the greatest magnitude....
    Mathematics :

    Four vectors all have the same magnitude. Vector 1 is at 30, Vector 2 is at 135, vector 3 is at 240, and Vector 4 is at 315. What vector has the greatest magnitude x-component and which vector has t

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the normal force....
    Physics :

    Five boxes, each having weight 100 N, are stacked up. The bottom box is the fifths from the top. What is the magnitude of the normal force upward exerted by the fourth box from the top on the third

  • Q : Problem on block moving with some speed....
    Physics :

    A block of mass 2 kg is initially moving with speed 4m/sec at point A on a smooth inclined plane with andle 60 degrees to the horizontal. At point B on the plane (1m down the plane from point A), it

  • Q : Question related to acceleration....
    Physics :

    A runner, beginning from x=0 at t=0, accelerates at a constant rate for 7 seconds and reaches a speed of 7m/sec. The runner then decreases her speed at a rate of 2m/sec2 for 2 seconds and maintains

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the instantaneous velocity....
    Physics :

    An object moves at a constant velocity of 11 m/s to the southwest for an inverval of 20 s. Halfway through this interval, what is the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity?

  • Q : Determine the current in the secondary transformer....
    Physics :

    The largest transformer ever built handles a power of 1.50x109 W. This transformer is used to step down 765 kVAC to 345 kVAC. What is the rms current in the primary? What is the current in the secon

  • Q : What is the value of the resistor....
    Physics :

    In a series RL circuit, a 1.2-kHz oscillating emf has amplitude εmax= 24 V and the current amplitude is Imax= 0.45 A. The ratio L/R is 5.0x10-3s. What is the value of the resistor?

  • Q : How much energy is stored in the inductor....
    Physics :

    A 182 mH inductor whose windings have a resistance of 8.20 Ω is connected across a 9 V battery with an internal resistance of 4.1 Ω. How much energy (in J) is stored in the inductor?

  • Q : What is the tension in the string....
    Physics :

    A 3.0-kg block is pulled along a FRICTIONLESS surface with a force of 42N. Attached to that block with a light string is another 3.0-kg block. Disregarding friction and the weight of the string, wha

  • Q : What is the specific heat capacity of the metal....
    Physics :

    A 200 gram metal block absorbs 1500 joules of heat, and its temperature changes by 150 degrees Celsius. What is the specific heat capacity of this metal?

  • Q : Magnitude of the acceleration of the block....
    Physics :

    Assuming that frictional forces may be neglected, what is the magnitude of the acceleration of the 19 kg block?

  • Q : Experience a magnetic force related problem....
    Physics :

    At what angle (less than 90°) with respect to this field will this particle, moving at the same speed, experience a magnetic force of magnitude 2.2F.

  • Q : Particles electrostatic potential energy....
    Physics :

    You cause a particle to move from point A, where the electric potential is 17.7 V, to point B, where the electric potential is -22.7 V. Calculate the change that occurs in the particle's electrostat

  • Q : What is the mass of eros....
    Physics :

    Asteroid 433 Eros is one of the largest near-Earth asteroids. For purposes of this problem,assume it is spherical. The value of g at its surface is 0.0060 m/ and the escape velocity is only10.1 m/s.

  • Q : Astronaut weight at another planet....
    Physics :

    An astronaut weighs 275 lbs with equipment here on the surface of the earth. If he goes to a planet where the acceleration of gravity is 12.5 ft/s/s what will he weigh there? What will be his mass b

  • Q : Problem related to acceleration due to gravity....
    Physics :

    The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Earth is g. Calling R the radius of Earth, at what distance from Earth's center would the acceleration due to gravity drop to g/16?

  • Q : What is the new diameter of the star....
    Physics :

    Suddenly the star changes size, and rotates with a new period of 14.0 days. Assuming a uniform density both before and after the size change, what is the new diameter of the star?

  • Q : Determine the intensity of the sound in decibels....
    Physics :

    Question: The intensity 18m from a source of sound is measured to be 10^-4W/m^2. A) Determine the intensity of the sound in decibels

  • Q : Find equivalent rate with continuous and annual compounding....
    Mathematics :

    A bank quotes you an interest rate of 14% per annum with quarterly compounding. What is the equivalent rate with (a) continuous compounding and (b) annual compounding?

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