• Q : Create quadratic equation so that roots will be one more....
    Mathematics :

    Create a quadratic equation, so that each of its roots will be 1 more than the corresponding root of the given quadratic equation.

  • Q : Pole is balanced vertically on the tip....
    Physics :

    A 2.08 m long pole is balanced vertically on its tip. It starts to fall and its lower end does not slip. What will be the speed of the upper end of the pole just before it hits the ground?

  • Q : Problem based on ceiling fan....
    Physics :

    A ceiling fan with 90-cm-diameter blades is turning at 65 rpm. Suppose the fan coasts to a stop 26 s after being turned off.

  • Q : How many more papers does scott need to deliver....
    Mathematics :

    How many more papers does Scott need to deliver? b) Scott continues to deliver papers at the same rate, How long will it take to deliver all of them?

  • Q : Angle between the magnetic field and the current....
    Physics :

    A wire 2.80m in length carries a current of 5.00 A in a region where a uniform magnetic field has a magnitude of 0.390T. Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic force on the wire, assuming the angle

  • Q : Explanation for brownian motion....
    Physics :

    This simple demonstration of Einstein's explanation for Brownian motion shows little particles batting about a more massive one, and what it would look like if you could see only the massive one thr

  • Q : What is the final speed of the probe....
    Physics :

    A 48000-kg space probe is traveling at a speed of 12000 m/s through deep space. Retrorockets are fired along the line of motion to reduce the probe's speed. The retrorockets generate a force of 1600

  • Q : How many students both own a car and live on campus....
    Mathematics :

    Out of 180 students taking freshman composition, 70 own a car and 115 live on campus. If 10 students neither own a car nor live on campus, how many students both own a car and live on campus.

  • Q : Walking around a circular lake in opposite directions....
    Physics :

    Two people start at the same place and walk around a circular lake in opposite directions. One has an angular speed of 2.00 10-3 rad/s, while the other has an angular speed of 3.40 10-3 rad/s. How l

  • Q : How many of gumdrops are in the jar....
    Mathematics :

    In a jar of red a green gumdrops, 12 more than half are red and the number of green gumdrops is 19 more than half the number of red gumdrops. How many of each are in the jar?

  • Q : Calculate the number of photons emitted per second....
    Physics :

    A sodium-vapor lamp has power output of 10.0 W. Using 589.3 nm as the average wavelength of this source, calculate the number of photons emitted per second.

  • Q : At what point between two charges does e-fields is zero....
    Physics :

    Question: Two point charges are separated by 10.0 cm and have charges of 2.00 and -5.00 μC, respectively. At what point between the two charges does the E-fields sum to zero? Draw a free body dia

  • Q : Find the capacitance per unit length of the cable....
    Physics :

    The Dielectric Constant for polystyrene filling is 2.5. A coaxial cable consists of a cylindrical metal sheath with interior radius b=3.2cm surrounding a wire with exterior radius a=0.8cm, with poly

  • Q : Magnitude of the angular acceleration of the grindstone....
    Physics :

    The angular speed is then increased to 12 rad/s over the next 4.0 seconds. Assume that the angular acceleration is constant. What is the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the grindstone?

  • Q : Write the advantages and disadvantages of sumpner-s test....
    Physics :

    What are advantages and disadvantages of sumpner's test? why is the reference voltmeter required? what will happen happen if we close the switch if refernce voltmeter is reading 100v?

  • Q : Compute the reactance....
    Physics :

    Compute the reactance of a .450 H inductor at frequencies 60Hz, compute the reactance of a 2.5 uf capacitor at the same frequency, at what frequency is the reactance of a .45H inductor equal to that

  • Q : Compute the impedance of a series r-l-c circuit....
    Physics :

    Compute the impedance of a series R-L-C circuit at angular frequen2cy of 500 rad/s. R= 200ohms, L=.9 H, and C = 2uf. What is the phase angle of the source voltage with respect to current?

  • Q : Find the out-of-pocket expenses for each type of person....
    Mathematics :

    Combined out-of-pocket expenses for one person in poor health and one person in good health were $6213. Find the out-of-pocket expenses for each type of person.

  • Q : Problem based on simple harmonic motion....
    Physics :

    A loundspeaker diaphragm is producing a sound for 2.1 s by moving back and forth in a simple harmonic motion. The angular frequency of the motion is 6.16x10^4 rad/s. How many times does the diaphrag

  • Q : Find hieght of fuel in storage tank to nearest tenth of foot....
    Mathematics :

    After the delivery, what will the hieght of the fuel in the storage tank be, to the nearest tenth of a foot, if the storage tank had 1 foot of fuel in it before the truck unloaded its fuel?

  • Q : Spring oscillates with a specific period....
    Physics :

    A mass of 0.30 on the end of a spring oscillates with a period of 0.45 and an amplitude of 0.15

  • Q : Problem based on basics of torque....
    Physics :

    With the suspension point 30cm from the left edge of the meter stick, hang a 200g mass 10cm from the left edge of the stick. Calculate the mass you must hang at a point 40cm to the right of the pivo

  • Q : How much did it cost publishers last year....
    Mathematics :

    Due to increased mailing costs, the new rate will cost publishers $36 million; this is 13.5% more than they paid the previous year. How much did it cost publishers last year?

  • Q : How much of a serving will the last student get....
    Mathematics :

    Anuj has been serving 2/3 cups of lemonade to each student. If he has 1 1/2 cups of lemonade left, how many students can still get lemonade? How much of a serving will the last student get?

  • Q : Find the speed of a transverse wave on the rope....
    Physics :

    A uniform rope of mass 110 g and length 150 cm hangs from a ceiling. (a) Find the speed of a transverse wave on the rope at 93 cm from the lower end. (b) Find the time a transverse wave takes to tra

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