• Q : Compensation philosophy for current organization....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    In a 2-3 page paper, present a compensation philosophy for your current organization. This philosophy should be cognizant of the financial and cultural aspects of your organization (i.e., you cannot

  • Q : Rationale for the code of conduct....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    1) Discuss the rationale for the code of conduct in this field, including why it is necessary within the industry or field. 2) Analyze the strengths and/or weaknesses with the code of conduct.

  • Q : Encourage or discourage ethical behavior....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Do the general management philosophy and accounting policies at General Electronics encourage or discourage ethical behavior? Explain.

  • Q : Consider maslows theory for employee....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Consider Maslow's theory for employees in their 20s, 40s, or 60s, and for employees who have high school, college, and graduate degrees.

  • Q : Budgets in managing business-other financial organizations....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The importance of budgets in managing business and other financial organizations seems like a no brainer. In some managers it is a mere exercise in numbers and in some organizations it is a politica

  • Q : What are the key elements of the theory....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Research the normative ethics theory. What are the key elements of this theory? Do you agree or disagree with this approach and why?

  • Q : How may ethics be taught in the workplace....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    How may ethics be taught in the workplace? Should an internal or external person be responsible for teaching ethics in the workplace? Many people think ethics should be left to individuals.

  • Q : Moral dilemmas-utilitarian-kantian and rawisian....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Utilitarianism is defined as an effort to achieve the greater good for the greatest number (WiseGeek, 2010). This philosophy is about quantitative measures instead of qualitative.

  • Q : What should the american executive do....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What should the American executive do? What guidance do you think Donaldson and Dunfee would give the American executive? Please provide the American executive with your best advice as a response to

  • Q : Current and future success in the workplace....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Why is strategic thinking critical to your current and future success in the workplace? Provide an example of how critical thinking has helped you in the past and how it may help you after graduatio

  • Q : Ethical concepts and dilemmas are facing valerie....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    1. What ethical concepts and dilemmas are facing Valerie? 2. If you were Valerie, what would you do? Why?

  • Q : Practice of integrating moral principles....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Ethics is the practice of integrating moral principles in and outside of the workplace. Ethics enables a person to determine what is acceptable and what is unacceptable or the difference between rig

  • Q : Business ethics perspective....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What are your thoughts regarding if ethics can be taught? Can we teach people right from wrong from a business ethics perspective?

  • Q : Characterization or study of morality....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Descriptive Ethics is the characterization or study of morality, an overall concept of what is good and acceptable vs. what is bad and morally unacceptable.

  • Q : Agree or disagree with supporting the fcc changes....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Make a point to either agree or disagree with the poublic relations and lobbying team and why? Make a point to either agree or disagree with supporting the FCC changes and why?

  • Q : Ethics and bottom line for gm-toyota....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Our class has a discussion going on about how ethics might hinder the bottom line and how ethics might benefit the bottom line? Can anyone give some input in regards to GM and their bailout?

  • Q : Practice of ethical or social responsibility....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Look at a modern political movement or single figure and outline the practice of ethical or social responsibility... you might observe how this responsibility is dispersed among the population.

  • Q : How ethical behavior of the employees affected the culture....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Recall a time when you worked for or belonged to an organization where the culture was "toxic." Briefly describe the culture and discuss how the ethical behavior of the employees or members affecte

  • Q : Ensuring a strong sense of business ethics permeates....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    In the longer term, what can be done to ensure that a strong sense of business ethics permeates your company? Consider aspects of the organization's structure (such as adding an oversight function)

  • Q : How ethics-integrity measured throughout the organization....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    1) How are ethics and integrity measured throughout the organization? 2) Are whistle-blowers encouraged? If so, how? 3) Does a language exist that allows employees and managers to openly discuss ethic

  • Q : Online research on the case pelman versus mcdonalds....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Conduct online research on the case Pelman v. McDonald's in which it was alleged that McDonald's was partially responsible for the health problems associated with the obesity of children who eat McD

  • Q : Writing business communication....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Why is it important to use words or language that is politically or culturally correct when writing business communication? How might this influence your choice of communication?

  • Q : Business ethics-image management....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The insurance companies that failed to meet the expectations of the victims of Hurricane Katrina might undergo significant damage control efforts. According to Leslie Eaton and Joseph B. Truester (2

  • Q : Accounting firm overseeing the financial records of clients....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    You are on the board of an accounting firm overseeing the financial records of clients. A junior financial analyst has come to you with some irregularities in the methods utilized by a major client.

  • Q : Corporations social corporate responsibility....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What is this corporation's social corporate responsibility in this case for the four areas of corporate social responsibility?

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