• Q : Factor in ethical decision-making....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Which among the following scenarios could result in the business culture becoming a determining factor in ethical decision-making?

  • Q : Personal ethics and family beliefs....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    I do believe personal ethics are based off of your own family beliefs and the way a person was brought as a child into adulthood and the environment in which they learned their beliefs.

  • Q : Corporate scandals due to ethics....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    I don't think that the corporate scandals due to ethics are gone by any stretch of the imagination. I think that as long as people work in scenarios that they have the chance and can be tempted to l

  • Q : Ethics of tarp and executive bonuses....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Do you think that the executives within these organizations saw these acts as unethical or ethical? Moreover, do you believe that this further proof that in some instances business ethics can be som

  • Q : Contribute to the lack of ethical responsibility....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Campaign contributions contribute to the lack of ethical responsibility on behalf of the politicians. It's an unfortunate situation. Explain.

  • Q : Current article regarding business ethics....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Research an article on an issue which deals with business ethics from a newspaper, magazine, journal, TV, or the Internet.

  • Q : Difference between white collar crime-other kinds of crime....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    While Madoff is now in jail, I want you to think about how much time he spent out on bond before trial. Think long and hard about our criminal justice system and the difference between white collar

  • Q : Choices and decisions in society....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    "All choices are things that we consciously decided was the right choice for us at the time." This is so right, things that we decided to do 10 or 15 years ago might be right at the time but if we l

  • Q : Enforce a code of ethics in the workplace....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    I do feel that most companies have and enforce a code of ethics in the workplace. This is mostly due to the fact that if they did not the current economic crisis would be much greater than it is now

  • Q : Code of ethics conducted by executive management....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The most difficult issue with a code of conduct/ethics is the lack of compliance by those who consider themselves above the code of ethics. The majority of well known infractions of the code of ethi

  • Q : How do personal ethics relate to organizational ethics....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Question 1. How do personal ethics relate to organizational ethics? Please support your answers with examples, from real life if possible.

  • Q : How professional values and ethics affect career success....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Question: How can professional values and ethics affect career success. Could you please help with a description of each one in 300 to 500 words.

  • Q : Utilitarian-deontological considerations....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Problem 1: Should Justin Ellsworth's Parents have been given access to his email? Please answer this question in three to five pages. Be sure to assess, separately with thorough explanations, the ut

  • Q : Conflicting value systems....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    How does an individual deal with living under two or more conflicting value systems? Please support your answers with examples from real life if possible.

  • Q : Discuss the key points of jean-paul sartre....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Discuss the key points of Jean-Paul Sartre's (1905-1980) existentialist philosophy, must include reference to the concept of 'bad faith', and explain carefully between 'being-in-itself', 'being-for-

  • Q : How important is business ethics....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    How important is business ethics when considering operations? Do you feel your organization is ethical? Would you speak of if it wasn't?

  • Q : Transacting international business....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What ethical considerations are important when transacting international business? Give an example. How can cultural differences lead to ethical dilemmas?

  • Q : Utilitarian and deontological considerations....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Should the Maryland Airport have awarded this contract? Should be a three to five page paper answering this question. Be sure to set out the utilitarian and deontological considerations.

  • Q : Boundaries of moral and ethical behaviors....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The study of ethics dates back to the Greek and Roman philosophers. The boundaries of moral and ethical behaviors are defined by the expectation of their respective eras.

  • Q : Corresponding economic changes....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What features of accounting, if any, would make it costly for dishonest managers to make the same changes without any corresponding economic changes?

  • Q : Define environmental science and environmental ethics....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Question 1: Define environmental science and environmental ethics. Examine the relationships between them.

  • Q : How do ethics influence human behavior in organizations....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Question 1. How do ethics influence human behavior in organizations? Question 2. How do stereotypes and selective perceptions impact an individual's interaction with others?

  • Q : Education in promoting innovation in a credit card company....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    How would you identify and characterize the roles of incentives, training, and education in promoting innovation in a credit card company call center, such as Visa?

  • Q : Personal ethics valuable in making positive decisions....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Personal ethics is valuable in making positive decisions. In many situations we see that the younger generations' decisions are harming them due to few moral values.

  • Q : Utilitarian-deontological-virtue based approaches to ethics....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Problem: Distinguish between utilitarian, deontological and virtue-based approaches to ethics. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?

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