• Q : what is the decimal equivalent of hex number 1a53....
    Computer Engineering :

    what is the decimal equivalent of hex number 1a53 ans 6739 is the decimal equivalent of hex number 1a53from hex number to decimal number conversion

  • Q : electronic mail is another pc to pc and pc to....
    Computer Engineering :

    electronic mail is another pc to pc and pc to mainframe data exchange if you subscribe to an electronic mail service it will enable your pc to gain

  • Q : write a 2-3 page paper excluding title abstract....
    Computer Engineering :

    write a 2-3 page paper excluding title abstract introduction and references describing the concepts of the information systems delivery cycle sdlc

  • Q : Solve with explanations and diagram....
    Chemical Engineering :

    Can you justify which is the best choice of thermometric fluid for a glass-liquid thermometer?  This is best achieved by starting with a consideration of how you would expect the liquid to expand

  • Q : Build a simul8 model of the facility....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Build a Simul8 model of the facility. Ensure that a different graphic is displayed for the possible states, working, waiting and blocked, that each station may be in (but use the same graphics for all

  • Q : Design an op-amp circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    7 problems and they are cited from "electrical engineering" by Schwarz and oldham, Design an op-amp circuit with R1′=1000Ω. A′=-10.R0′<10Ω. 

  • Q : Microcontrollers....
    Electrical Engineering :

    There are many 8-bit microcontrollers in the market. eport, search the web and find four microcontrollers. (Carefully cite your references)

  • Q : Design a buck converter....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Design a buck converter with the following specifications: Find L, C such that the specifications are met over the whole input voltage range.

  • Q : How can we post tension a raft foundation....
    Civil Engineering :

    Problem: How can we post tension a raft foundation? What design procedure should we follow to post tension raft foundation in order to decrease the concrete and steel volume and increase the strength?

  • Q : Elaborate on rothwell''s definition of hpt....
    Other Engineering :

    Read this file attached and answer these given 4 questions. Elaborate on Rothwell's definition of HPT. What are the key components? What do Rothwell's four environments include? 

  • Q : Computing & Systems Development....
    Computer Engineering :

    As part of the formal assessment for the HNC/D programme you are required to submit an assignment for each module. Full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing

  • Q : Bell indicator circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Convert this diagram to the industrial ladder diagram format (retain all the devices).

  • Q : Hydraulic servomechanisms....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Suppose that you are employed by a company which manufactures hydraulic servomechanisms.

  • Q : Rotary electrical actuator for mechatronic application....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The internal customer has asked you to list all the factors which you would take into account in choosing a rotary electrical actuator for the mechatronic application. Provide the list for them.

  • Q : Program memory of the plc....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Draw a ladder diagram to symbolize the software program which must be installed in the program memory of the PLC. Recognize the elements on the rungs by abbreviations.

  • Q : Functional blocks in the sensor....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Propose an appropriate sensor and justify your recommendation. Sketch a diagram which shows the functional blocks in the sensor and describe each function.

  • Q : Principle of flow sensor....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Propose a flow sensor, describing its operating principle.

  • Q : Hydraulic pistons-control loop....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    The mass M shown in figure below is to be held in position by two hydraulic pistons (A and B) that exert forces F1 and F2 (correspondingly) to the mass. The total for FT (where FT = F1 + F2) is to

  • Q : Open or closed loop control....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Illustrate whether this is open or closed loop control, provide reasons to support your answer.

  • Q : Bare thermocouple-single transfer lag system....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Supposing that the bare thermocouple behaves as a single transfer lag system, find out the mathematical relationship between the temperature (T) and time (t).

  • Q : Youngs modulus of elasticity....
    Mechanical Engineering :

    Name the materials which have the highest value of Young’s Modulus of Elasticity?

  • Q : Drilling rock in mining operations....
    Civil Engineering :

    What are the main purposes of drilling rock in Mining operations?

  • Q : Physical solutions principles....
    Chemical Engineering :

    Molecular weight of the solvent and air are 70 and 29 kg/kmol, correspondingly. Find out other data in the book and make suppositions which make sense as it applies to respective problem.

  • Q : Oc relays for the prediction of eht lines....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What are the problems faced when O.C relays are used for the protection of E.H.T. lines.

  • Q : Switch gear and protection....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What is a universal torque equation of relay and how is O.C. directional and differential relay characteristics obtained?

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