
Zero-base budgeting requires the periodic review of all


1. Zero-base budgeting requires the periodic review of all programs, not just new ones.

2. It is difficult for accountants to have a role beyond auditing the financial statements of governments and not-for-profits.

3. "Outputs" is a term used to indicate the quantity or units of service provided by an activity.

4. One of the principal disadvantages of zero-base budgeting is that it requires budgetary units to provide information that may never be used in the decision process.

5. Many of the benefits of program budgeting may be ascribed to the organizational self-examination that it requires at the outset.

6. Most accounting organizations support the notion that performance measures should be included in general-purpose annual financial reports.

7. The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 requires federal agencies to focus on explicit near-term objectives and performance measures.

8. The GASB's SEA reporting proposals focus on measures of efforts, measures of accomplishments, and measures that relate efforts to accomplishments.

9. Rather than cash inflows, the potential benefits of many capital assets can be expressed as cash savings to governments and not-for-profits.

10. It is widely accepted that capital assets should be financed with resources on hand to achieve interperiod equity.

11. Program outcomes frequently are more difficult to measure than inputs and outputs.

12. An important part of capital budgeting is to compare alternative means of achieving the same objective.

13. Benefit-cost analysis has fallen from favor among management experts because it usurps the role of informed judgment.

14. A disadvantage of evaluating capital expenditures separately from operating expenditures is that it is easy to overlook operating costs associated with newly acquired assets.

15. An organization's mission and goals derive from its operational objectives.

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Accounting Basics: Zero-base budgeting requires the periodic review of all
Reference No:- TGS0807394

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