
Zappos approach to empower employees


Question 1.You will be reviewing the website of your selected company. The purpose of this portion of your project is to determine how customer-friendly the site is and how the company uses the site to communicate with its customers. Your assignment is to write a one-page summary evaluating the company website, and be sure to address the following:

  • How visually appealing and organized is the site?
  • Is the site user-friendly? Is it easy to navigate and find information? Explain.
  • Describe the contact information and various communication methods that are available to a customer who needs to contact a representative, inquire about a product, or make a purchase.
  • How does the site accommodate the needs of a diverse customer base?
  • Does the site encourage customer loyalty? If so, how?

Question 2. Since its founding in 1999, Zappos has quickly become one of the most successful online retailers of shoes and merchandise. The company has also developed a reputation for its unique internal culture that has been created for its employees. The following article provides an overview of an interview with Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.com.

After reading this article, write a one-page paper that provides an analysis of the culture that has been created for employees at Zappos. Be sure to answer the following questions:

  • In your opinion, what are some specific things that would make working at Zappos a fun and rewarding experience?
  • Zappos has made it a priority to empower its employees and enable them to make more decisions. What are some specific ways in which Zappos employees are empowered?
  • How does empowering the employees at Zappos lead to a better experience for customers?
  • Do you believe that the Zappos approach to empowering employees and creating a fun work environment is something that should be followed by other companies? Why or why not?

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Business Management: Zappos approach to empower employees
Reference No:- TGS01816713

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