
Z302 describe your customers problem and the process used

Managing and Behavior in Organizations


The individual portion of the final report will consist of a subtitle page and five sections: Guiding Claims and Warrant; Evidence Based Analysis and Model Predictions; Method and Data Collection; Study Results; Discussion and Implementation Implications. Each section will be worth two points as defined below.

NOTE: You must include in-text citations in proper APA format to papers that relate to your answers below. Paraphase as much as possible. Failure to properly note by quotation marks text that is not paraphrased or not to include proper citation formats in the text and in the bibliography at the end of the paper will result in a zero score for the applicable section of the report.

Section Title Page: List the organizational analysis perspective (Psychologist, Sociologist, Ecologist) and the name of the team member who wrote the perspective section (0 points for ENTIRE section if perspective or author is omitted)

The Guiding Claims and Warrant section will require excerpting information from your insight submissions to produce the report section providing:

• Problem Claim Statement - Describe your customer's problem and the process used to investigate the potential causes of this problem. Your description should include the definition of the outcome factors you analyzed citing either the textbook or one of the articles which you used to develop your causal model as the source for the definitions.

• Integrated causal model diagram showing all team member constructs with your contribution to the model highlighted.

• Description or annotations on at least your section of the warrant diagram that indicate the direction (+ or -) or beta coefficient value for each construct relationship (All relationships must be included for credit)

• Description or annotations on at least your section of the warrant diagram that indicate the correlations found in the best evidence along with the quality rating for the publication from which the correlation was obtained for each relationship.

The Evidence Based Analysis and Model Predictions section will provide:

• Evidence Synthesis: A summary what you have learned from this evidence that answers the questions:

1. What is your assessment of the quality of the evidence supporting each proposition (construct relationship) that is shown in the causal model diagram?

2. Which propositions (construct relationships) do you feel represent the greatest risk to the recommended causal model due to either high variability of correlations across studies and/or the quality of the evidence?

• Citations in proper APA format for grounding and backing studies associated with each construct relationship on your section of the causal model diagram.

The Method and Data Collection section will provide:

• Integrated measurement model diagram showing the measurement indicators (survey items) for all team member factors (causal and outcomes) with your contribution to the model highlighted.

• Description or annotations on at least your section of the measurement model diagram that indicate the alpha correlations (Cronbach's alpha or factor loadings) for each factor, both causal and outcome, in your highlighted section of the model. Partial credit may be awarded for failure to include a reliable measurement item, even if the item was not included on the survey you designed (0.5 point)

• Description and number of respondents who completed the survey.

• Listing (and cited source) of survey items related to the factors in your highlighted section of the team's model. The list must include all reliable questions any survey items which were found in your research to be reliable indicators of a factor in your model, but which were excluded to limit the number of survey items presented to your survey respondents.

The Study Results section will provide a narrative summary of analysis comparing organization studied against evidence-based benchmarks (comparative means)

• relative areas of strength: 2-3 largest positive absolute value mean weighted causal path differences between survey and norms that could be leveraged to produce the improvement desired - stated in terms of the measure used

• relative areas of weakness: 2-3 most negative absolute value mean weighted causal path differences between survey and norms that identify sources of resistance or obstacles to achieving the improvement desired - stated in terms of the measure used

• relative areas of opportunity: any negative mean difference in outcome factors - stated in terms of the measure used

• relative areas of threat: any variation greater than 20% in causal path total effect size across the evidence-base examined, or any factor whose effect was found to be insubstantial under certain conditions. In other words, large reservations you found in any study, especially a meta-analytic confidence interval, related to your model.

The Discussion and Implementation Implications section will provide:

A minimum of two double-spaced pages (or one single-space page) that summarizes how your study results compared with the evidence presented above. The summary must answer the following questions :

• What are the factors (constructs) that should have the greatest influence on the customer's problem based on the grounding results described above?

• What factors might an organization need to carefully monitor when implementing the solution claim to ensure that they succeed in developing effective care? (HINT: What might be risky based on low quality of evidence supporting a predicted construct relationship or what can go wrong based on the evidence you presented?)

• How did the findings from your studies relate to the treatment of related topics in class textbook? Explain how the studies you described in your report and the evidence you gathered supports, qualifies (questions), or negates (refutes) a specific claim made in the textbook.

• Based on the evidence you have gathered (insights and analysis of data related to the client's problem), what recommendation would you make to the client to solve their problem? Why are you making this recommendation?


Citations in proper APA format must be provided for studies associated with each construct relationship on the causal model or measurement model diagram.

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Marketing Research: Z302 describe your customers problem and the process used
Reference No:- TGS01736839

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