Q1. Write down the transformation matrix to get top view of the object on XY plane of the screen.
Q2. The four control points P1(x1,y1), P2(x2, y2), P3(x3, y3), P4(x4, y4), are given work out the starting slope of the cubic Bezier curve.
Q3. While performing the polygon scan conversion, explain how do you treat the case if a scan line passes via a vertex of the polygon?
Q4. Define the terms:
a) Foreshortening factor
b) Floating Horizon
c) B-spline curve
Q5. Describe the relative advantages and disadvantages of Z-buffer hidden surface elimination algorithm over the scan line Z-buffer algorithm.
Q6. Explain the diffuse and specular light reflection modeling in the computer graphics.
Q7. Write brief notes on:
a) Half-toning
b) CSG models