
Z-buffer algorithm and depth-sorting algorithm

Question 1:

a) A solid tetrahedron is given by position vectors A(1,1,1), B(3,1,1), C(2,1,3), D(2,2,2) and a point light source is kept at P(2,3,4). By using back face detection method, find out the surfaces on which the light falls and the surfaces that are to be shadowed.

b) What happens when two polygons have similar z value and the z-buffer algorithm is used?

Question 2:

a) Find out the equation of the plane passing via the points (1,3,4), (5,5,5) and (7,9,4).

b) Describe the depth-sorting algorithm for visible surface detection.

Question 3:

a) Categorize the visible surface detection methods. What is the principle of each kind?

b) Describe the depth buffer algorithm. How it works?

Question 4:

a) Write about octree method for back face detection.

b) Write about area subdivision algorithm for back face detection.

Question 5:

a) Write about various motion specifications.

b) Write about various computer animation languages.

Question 6:

a) What do you mean by key frames? Write about morping.

b) Describe some of motion specification for computer animation.

Question 7:

a) Describe how the linear interpolation is implemented when the key-frame positions of an object are given.

b) Explain linear list notation of animation languages.

Question 8: Describe the steps included in transforming a sphere into a specified polyhedron.

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Computer Graphics: Z-buffer algorithm and depth-sorting algorithm
Reference No:- TGS03355

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