1. You are offered a great job, but you have to relocate to a distant city. Your family agrees that the decision is yours to make, but you know they do not want to move. What do you do?
2. You have discovered that your boss lied on her resume about her academic credentials. She is being considered for a new position in your organization, but you believe you are more qualified than she is. Will you tell the hiring panel about your boss’s indiscretion?
3. You are taking an online college class and have been offered the final exam from a student who printed a copy for you after taking the exam yesterday. You are in danger of failing the class and losing your financial aid. Do you accept the document and use it to study for your exam?
4. You have been asked to take a personality test as part of the recruitment process for a new job. Because of your previous experience as a manager, you know how to answer the questions to obtain a positive result. Do you tell the human resources representative of your knowledge?