Youve experienced convection cooling if youve ever extended

You've experienced convection cooling if you've ever extended your hand out the window of a moving vehi- cle or into a flowing water stream. With the surface of your hand at a temperature of 30°C, determine the convection heat flux for (a) a vehicle speed of 35 km/h in air   at   -5°C   with   a   convection   coefficient   of   40 W/m2  · K and (b) a velocity of 0.2 m/s in a water stream at 10°C with a convection coefficient of 900 W/m2  · K. Which  condition  would  feel  colder?  Contrast  these results  with  a  heat  loss  of approximately 30 W/m2 under normal room conditions.

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Mechanical Engineering: Youve experienced convection cooling if youve ever extended
Reference No:- TGS01256880

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