You've completed web page development and so now it is time to take the process of template generation to a new level: XSLT. This assignment requires you to create an XSLT stylesheet that transforms the provided XML document (named "bookstore.xml") into a web page (XHTML strict, XHTML transitional, or HTML5).
Your XSLT stylesheet requirements:
- Must output XHTML strict, XHTML transitional, or HTML5 so as to conform to well-formedness
- Your XML document must include the stylesheet PI for output purposes
- The stylesheet must display all elements of the bookstore.xml document which include:
- name
- description
- course applicability (plural)
- authors (plural)
- publisher
- price
- stock section which includes: category, copies in stock, (link to) cover image (images provided), availability
- Your stylesheet must make use of the following XSLT elements:
- for-each
- template
- apply-template
- choice
- if
- Your stylesheet must offer the following in its outputted XHTML document:
- A linkable list of books at the top of the page (see the bookstore-sample.xsl file in the examples folder on share out). Note that these links should work (I.e. hyperlink to the book listing lower on the page, so use the generate-id() function)
- A div that has a border and wraps around the book image as well as contains all of the above listed information.