Assume that you are a regular customer of, an online shopping website similar to You received an email from the company stating that you need to contact the company immediately. Otherwise, your account will be suspended due to irregular activities and invalid credit card transactions.
You’re suspicious that the email is a phishing scam. You contacted your credit card company and everything seems to be just fine. However, you’re not sure either if there are any problems with your account (i.e., someone might have used your account to purchase products) which might impact your credit history. You decided to contact regarding this issue.
Your email should include the following:
-State your concern about the status of your account
-Request information about the information security measures implemented at the company
-Inquire about how the company protects the privacy of your personal information
-Ask about what you should do in case someone actually uses your account without your permission.
-Provide your contact information in case the company would like to respond back to you.