Program Specifications
You're asked to implement an Order Processing program to keep track of orders for customers and process them if needed. The program will read a text file containing customer orders in arbitrary order and then process them Class Design
Re-use Item->InventoryItem->Product->eProduct and DairyProduct class hierarchy from lab 3
Address: (street number, street name, zipcode, state): provide constructors/destructor/member functions as required in previous labs
Order: this is a template class representing an Order of . That can be an eProduct object, a DairyProduct object, an OnlineProduct object, or a pointer to an Item object. All constructors/destructor/member functions must be defined outside of class declaration
Data: OrderId (string), OrderDate (long): number of seconds after 1/1/1970, item ()
default: initialize string to "", long to 0
non-default constructor: take a string, a long, and
Destructor: output order information
Functions: GetOrderId/SetOrderId/GetItem/SetItem/GetOrderDate/SetOrderDate and other functions if needed
Operator overloading: overload == operator so that it returns true if 2 orders are the same. Two orders are the same if they have the same
OrderId and the same
Data: store name (string), store ID (string), pointer to Address, a map of customer orders (key: customer ID(string), value: a deque containing Order- objects)
default constructor: initialize strings to "", pointers to NULL
non-default constructor: take 2 string parameters for store name and store ID, an integer for street number, a string for street name, an integer for zipcode, and a string for state. It will dynamically allocate an Address object as well as initialize other members as appropriate
Destructor: de-allocate Address pointer and the Item * in each Order in each deque container in the map. You will need to iterate thru the map. Each entry in the map contains customer orders (deque of Order - ) for a particular customer. Then iterate thru each deque container and delete all Item pointers in each deque.
Overload assignment operator operator= (you may ignore the map)
Member functions:
Init: read a text file to load customer orders
Menu: display a menu (invoked by start function below)
Show All Orders
Find Order by Customer ID
Process Order
Please enter an option (4 to quit): 1
Start: use a do while loop to display a menu and invoke ShowAllOrders, FindOrder, ProcessOrder per user option
ShowAllOrders: display all orders by customer ID
FindOrders: input a customer ID and display all orders by that customer
ProcessOrder: input a customer ID and an order ID then process (remove it from the deque) the order for that customer