Your view about how an individual's health is determined (Theory X) Whether a person is healthy or sick is determined randomly. (Theory Y) Whether a person is healthy or sick depends on lifestyle choices such as whether a person smokes, drinks or wears a seatbelt.
Your view of medical practice. (Theory X) Medicine is a science and experts will ultimately disover the best means for treating illnesses. (Theory Y) Medicine is an art and there will never be one best way to treat every illnesses because illnesses are often patient-specific and because there will always be demand for lower-cost and less painful treatments.
Your view of medical care. (Theory X) Medical care is a unique commodity. (Theory Y) Medical care is similar to any other goods or service.
Your view of the government's role in health care. (Theory X) Govenment regulations are necessary to protect this unique commodity, to control profiteeering at the cost of pateint care, to control the resources spent on health care and inprove information sharing. (Theory Y) Govenment regulations are not necessary, technological advances and more services are desirable and competition, not regulation, should drive the market. What are the pros or cons of each theory?