
Your task now is to develop two design documents for this


Throughout this course, you have been presented with information regarding the Catering business at Denn's Fish House. You have come together as a team to create an overall managerial plan and then a project plan specific to the circumstances in the Case. Individually and as a team, you have practiced formulating a quality assessment, tried your hand at process flowcharts, data flow, and entity relationship diagrams. The case has taken turns and developments which have led you to two certainties. One: Denn's organizational structure, managerial power, culture, and information technology maturity are insufficient to support a full-fledged online ordering, account management, order tracking, and payment e-commerce platform. Two: The only available approach is an Agile approach to deliver a basic tool that will offload some time-consuming activities from the catering manager while also satisfying information-seeking customers by self-service.

You may want to refer to our class notes: (Denn's Case-revisited attached).

Your task now is to develop two design documents for this system. You may choose any documents from the textbook that include flowcharts, Use-Case, wireframes/paper models, ERDs or DFDs, for example. Any of these will be different than a previous version as they will not be for the current system, but for your newly designed system. For each diagram that you select, include a description of its purpose from your textbook.

For this submission, you will need an introductory page that adequately describes your designed system. Pay special attention to the input(s), process(es), and output(s) of your system. Who will use this system? All customers? Corporate or private customers? Customers with guests more than 50? Less than 100? Customers not requiring travel? The more specific you make your scope and identify your system for a particular purpose, the less complexity you will face.

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Software Engineering: Your task now is to develop two design documents for this
Reference No:- TGS02544730

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