
Your task is to record your time over a seven day period

The purpose of this assignment is to gain awareness of how you spend your time, how your time could be better used, and to reflect on how well your time aligns with what is most important to you (value) at this point in your life.

Your task is to record your time over a seven day period. You may use the 24 hour schedule in Eagle Online or create your own word document.

Step 1: Record your time for 7 days

Step 2: Think about the top three things you value most, maybe school, family, work, your health, etc. and record for later use.

Step 3: Add up how much time you spent over the entire week in the following categories:

  • Sleeping
  • School
  • School work
  • Work
  • Leisure
  • Family

Step 4: Divide the hours you spent in each category by 168 (the total number of hours in a 7 day period).

Ex. Sleeping - 36 hrs. / 168 = 0.2142857

Move the decimal place two places to the right and drop the remaining numbers to determine the percentage.

Ex. 0.214 = 21%

Therefore 21% of your time was spent sleeping.

Step 5: Create a pie chart that represents the categories above and your values. Illustrate how much of your time was spent doing each activity.

Step 6: Reflect on your time management and write a paragraph to answer the following question: How does the time you spend align with your values? If you are having a hard time managing your time, remove the items that do not align with your values!

Submission: You are required to submit three items. You may combine all of the items onto one document:

  1. A copy of the time sheet with all of your activities recorded on the sheet.
  2. A visual representation of your time on a pie chart with percentages and your calculations.
  3. A one paragraph reflection on how your time aligns with your values.

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Business Management: Your task is to record your time over a seven day period
Reference No:- TGS02914890

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