Details: it has to be 4 pages long. one home page, 2 review pages consisting of reviews of any two games (pc, xbox, ps3/4) and one explanation page.
the website has to be in strict xhtml
there has to be 3 css stylesheets with three different designs to implement with the xhtml
Assignment: Games Review Website
Learning Objectives
The assignment is designed to test the following learning objectives:
- Ability to understand and use markup languages.
- Ability to create and validate standards-compliant XHTML Strict web pages.
- Ability to use a variety of advanced HTML and CSS features in a sophisticated manner.
- Ability to maintain a clear separation between information structure and layout in the design of websites.
- Ability to design pleasant and effective graphic displays of information.
Your Task
Your task is to produce an games review website. This can cover all sorts of games, including computer games, multiplayer role playing games, board games or card games; or you can design a site for a particular type of game of your choice. You should aim to design a large-scale site with lots of reviews, and produce some of it.
Your website must comprise a games review website home page and a set of (at least two) online reviews, written in validated, standards-compliant XHTML Strict, with at least three different alternative validated, standards-compliant external CSS stylesheets, plus a separate explanation page written in XHTML Strict with its own CSS stylesheet. (Your website should include at least one form; you may but need not put this on a separate page for feedback or comments or review submissions.)
The game review website pages must enable the reader to switch at runtime between the alternative stylesheets. All three or more pages must use the same stylesheets. The JavaScript you need to do this will be supplied, along with instructions on how to use it; JavaScript itself is beyond the scope of this course, and there are no marks for using it. The webpages should look different (but good) with each stylesheet - you will get marks for effective graphic design and for achieving different effects and using different CSS techniques with your different stylesheets.
The explanation page and its stylesheet do not need to be elaborate - you will not be marked down for keeping them very simple - but they offer an opportunity to demonstrate the use of techniques you haven't included in your cookbook pages.
The web pages must be written in XHTML Strict, using stylesheets for all formatting beyond bold and italics. You must write your own code, and not use WYSIWYG editors that generate code for you. The web pages must be validated using the W3C validator. Each page must include a link to the W3C XTHML Validator and a link to the W3C CSS Validator that will return validation reports for the page. XHTML5 is also acceptable.
The web pages must work as web pages: they must be accessible, and look right, when looked up via their full URLs, from any machine in the world. This is how they will be assessed.
1. One games review website homepage in XHTML Strict
2. At least two review web pages in XHTML Strict
3. (Optional) A review submission or contact page, in XHTML Strict
4. Three alternate CSS stylesheets for the games review website web pages
5. One explanation page in XHTML Strict
6. One CSS stylesheet for the explanation page
Your files must have ‘last modified' dates before the assignment deadline.
Your explanation page should be accessible at
All your web pages, stylesheets and image files should be in your network filespace, in your H drive, in the folder public_html/ctec1412/assignment - you may use subfolders. There is no hardcopy hand-in or Turnitin submission for this assignment.
You need to make sure that all your pages work properly when accessed via the web server using their full URLs - you will be severely marked down if they only work when accessed locally, or we need to do extra work to get at them to mark them.
Do NOT have a file called index.html in any of your folders - this stops us from reading your directory listings, which we often need to do in the course of marking assignments. We need to read the directory listings to check ‘last modified' dates without getting you to log into your own accounts.
Explanation Page
Your explanation page needs to include the following elements:
- A link to each of your games review website pages
- A link to each of the games review website stylesheets, so that these can be opened and read in the web browser with one click
- A link to the explanation page stylesheet
- A brief explanation of how the website will scale up to include a realistically large number of game reviews
- (Optional) A brief explanation of the scope and target audience of your website, any assumptions you have made
- (Optional) A list of any advanced features of XHTML or CSS you have used
- (Optional) Any other information you think we should have in order to mark your work fairly
- Acknowledgements of the sources of all images, information, etc, that aren't yours
- A link to the W3C validator
- A link to the W3C CSS validator
Your website must include honest, clear and accurate acknowledgements of all information, images or text that is not yours, (1) on the explanation page, (2) if appropriate, in the code, and (3) if appropriate, on your game review pages. An acknowledgement for anything taken from the World Wide Web should include a name or a few words of human-readable explanation (not just a URL), a URL, and a working link. For text sources, we recommend the Harvard reference format.
Marking by viva
The assignment will be marked in front of you, in a meeting in which you demonstrate your website working and we ask you questions.
One reason for this is to give you rapid and direct feedback on the quality of your work, the reasoning behind the marking, and any major faults that you could improve on in later work.
Another reason is to give you the chance to demonstrate that the submitted work is your own as well as your mastery of XHTML and CSS, and to give you the opportunity to defend your approach and use of techniques. Failure to meet these aims in the viva may result in you being marked down or failing the assignment.
Word Count: 1000 Words.