
your task is to prepare a presentation for a

Your task is to prepare a presentation for a group of board members who are considering an investment of $100 million in your company. Your presentation will consist of three distinct parts: a quantitative analysis, a qualitative analysis, and a sales pitch.

Because this is a finance course, your quantitative portion should be invested in heavily. The qualitative and sales portions are included to give you an idea of how this would work in the real world. Potential investors are equally interested in future growth as they are current profitability, and your company must possess excellent public relations skills to persuade investors that your company can deliver on the growth.

Although our discussions in BUS 3200 are heavily focused on the finance function, it is important to understand that a company cannot function with only a CFO and CEO. Public relations, human resources, operations, technology.. .all of these are crucial elements to any thriving enterprise. For example, although Budweiser is a beverage company, it is widely considered to have some of the most effective advertising campaigns. Potentially there are better tasting products on the market, but Budweiser's advertising outweighs other factors that go into the consumer's decision.

*****Your paper should consist of no less than five typed pages of content, not including images, charts, and other supporting non-text files, which may be appendicized. Please use 12 point, Times New Roman font, double spaced, with 1" margins all around. Please include a cover page, a table of contents page, and a works cited page. The manner in which you cite you references will not be a factor of your grade, but please give credit somehow to your references to avoid any potential plagiarism problems.

You may also want to include a PowerPoint presentation, which you would use in a real-life scenario when you would be presenting this paper to an actual board of directors with the intent to earn an investment.

You may choose your company from the list below. There is no need to seek my approval so

long as the company you choose is on this list.

It is probable that you will not recognize many companies on this list. I have chosen these corporations to illustrate the tremendous number of your potential future employers.

Company name

Stock symbol



Omnicon Group


Church & Dwight




Apache Energy




Dover Corporation






Progress Energy


American Waterworks


Visit the website of the company you choose and locate the link to their "Investor Relations" page. All publically traded companies are required to disclose the documents that they file with the Securities & Exchange Commission, and you can find links to these documents here.

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Financial Management: your task is to prepare a presentation for a
Reference No:- TGS0208695

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