Your task is to explain the research of a published scientific article to a casual, non-academic reader. You need to use professional, accessible and non-technical language.
To do this, you need to select one of five articles provided to you on the HPS111 CloudDeakin website to complete your assignment.
The five articles can be found in the back of your workbook, and on the HPS111 CloudDeakin website under "Resources > Assessments > Assignment 1 > Deconstructed Research Reports > DRR Papers."
You will need to deconstruct the article you have chosen and explain:
- Theories, concepts, or ideas that underpin the article
- Other research articles to provide background to the primary DRR article
- Why the study was conducted
- How the study was conducted
- What the findings were and how they can be applied in the real world
- How the findings have extended upon previous or have been used to inform subsequent research
- Some future avenues of research
You will submit your DRR in the form of:
1. An online web presentation using the web presentation building module in Portfolio on CloudDeakin (for access and instructions, see further below)
2. An exact copy of the web presentation in the form of a word processing document in Word or PDF format
(this is so we can provide feedback for your assignment)
3. Articles to Choose from
There are five primary DRR articles you can choose from. You only need to select one article to complete your DRR on. The list of articles to choose from are below. The topic and textbook chapter related to each article appears in square brackets:
1. Taber-Thomas et al. (2014) - Arrested development: early prefrontal lesions impair the maturation of moral judgement [topic 2 - biological bases, chapter 3 & 4]
2. Edwards et al. (2016) - Effects of schedules of reinforcement on pouched rat's performance in urban search- and-rescue training [topic 3 - learning principles]
3. Wiklund-Hornqvist et al. (2014) - Strengthening concept learning by repeated testing [topic 4 memory - chapter 8]
4. Fix & Fix (2015) - Trait psychopathy, emotional intelligence, and criminal thinking: predicting illegal behavior among college students [topic 5 - intelligence, chapter 11]
5. Sauter et al. (2010) - Cross-cultural recognition of basic emotions through nonverbal emotional vocalizations [topic 5 - motivation and emotion, chapter 11]
How to make the Web Presentation using Portfolio
You need to make your DRR using the web presentation function in Portfolio on CloudDeakin. Don't worry if you have never made a web presentation before. It does not require any special coding skills or prior programming ability. The interface is primarily point and click and is quite user friendly. To access the help guides on how to create your web presentation using the web presentation module in Portfolio, go to the HPS111 CloudDeakin website and click on "Help > Portfolio" (for access to Portfolio, see Appendix A at the end of this document).
The Portfolio Guides and Resources page contains step-by-step instructions on how to create your web presentation. The help guides explain how to make a new presentation, how to add content such as images, videos, pictures, and how to customise your web presentation (to see these options refer to Appendix B). For this assignment, you must use the presentation function in Portfolio to build your DRR. This is so we can verify the assignments, ensure confidentiality, and provide appropriate resources to all students.
Major Theories, Concepts, and Ideas
The research in your chosen study is based on a particular set of theories, concepts or ideas. Understanding the underlying theory helps to place an individual study within a wider context (i.e. it helps to explain why the research was undertaken). For this assignment, we are expecting you to be able to understand and explain major theories, concepts, and ideas related to the primary DRR article. Each of the five DRR articles has been selected specifically because they are associated with a topic taught in this unit. The explanations you provide must be accessible and non-technical. Avoid using technical terms where possible. If you need to use technical terms, make sure you define them within the text. Avoid providing a glossary with definitions. Additionally, you will need use appropriate sources of evidence to support any explanations or descriptions. Appropriate sources of evidence can include journal articles, the unit textbook and/or appropriate books sourced from the library.
Using Journal Articles to Provide Background and Rationale for the Primary DRR article.
In addition to the primary DRR article you have selected from HPS111 CloudDeakin website, you need to find, integrate, and cite at least two additional journal articles in your DRR. We are expecting you to use the two journal articles to provide background information into the reasons why the primary DRR article was conducted (i.e. the rationale). The descriptions and explanations of the two journal articles should be integrated and not simply presented as summaries of two articles listed one after the other. By reading your explanations of the two journal articles, the reader should have a clear idea of why the primary article was conducted. Where possible, cite recent literature that has been published within the last 10 years. You may use more than two journal articles, if you choose.
How to Find Additional Journal Articles
The librarians have made a step-by step video on how to find relevant academic papers using the Deakin Library resources. You can find the video under "Resources > Library Resources > Library Database Help Video" (for access, please refer to Appendix C). The Library Resources folder also contains tips and tricks on how to identify, evaluate, and review journal articles.
Attachment:- Research Report Information Booklet.pdf