
Your task is to develop a five 5 year workforce plan for

Assessment Task 2: Develop a Workforce Plan for Summer Regional Council

Scenario or background information

See Regional Council Case Study


Your task is to develop a five (5) year Workforce Plan for the Summer Council addressing the criteria detailed below:

1. Environmental Scan

2. Current workforce profile

3. Future workforce view

4. Analysis and targeted future

5. Recommendations

The completion of the Workforce Plan requires you to refer to the quantitative data in the facts scenario. You may use your analysis and research from Assessment Task 1 in your Workforce Plan.

In some instances, you will be required to adopt reasonable assumptions to assist your completion of the task. You must clearly outline in the Workforce Plan where you have made any assumptions and relied on any independent sources of information.

The structure of the Workforce Plan will necessarily consist of the following sections and estimated word lengths.

Workforce Plan Structure

Title page

Contents page

1. Executive Summary (300 words)

2. Introduction (300 words)

3. Main Report (1500 words)

4. Conclusion and Recommendations (400 words)

5. References.

6. Appendix

The estimated length of the Workforce Plan should be 2,500 words (Excluding references, charts diagrams, footnotes and bibliography). As a guide, the suggested word length is detailed for each section of the plan.

Necessarily, your writing style should be concise and demonstrate structured and original thinking resembling the integrity of a workforce plan document. Further, your plan should flow in a coherent way bringing together the quantitative (objective) and qualitative (subjective) elements with meaning and outlining a direction for the future of the Summer Councils workforce.

Lastly, the plan should be page numbered and summarised in the contents page.

Detailed below are links to three (3) examples of Workforce Plans which you should review before commencing work on your tasks. Gwydir Shire Workforce Plan


North Sydney Workforce Strategy


Randwick Council Workforce Plan


To assist you with the preparation of your plan web links have been detailed below which you should review. In particular you should have regard to the types of content, writing style, and purpose of each section in your plan.

Writing technical reports


Report writing


Report writing


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Business Management: Your task is to develop a five 5 year workforce plan for
Reference No:- TGS01608710

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