
Your task is to compile a report that provides an overview

The purpose of this assignment is to develop the research and writing skills involved in successful report presentations. It also aims to develop your awareness of the event phenomena and approaches to event planning and marketing.

Background to the assessment task

Select a local community event that is known to you, or for which you can conveniently gather information regarding its nature, its origins and history, its promotion, development trends, target markets/audiences. While your focus must be on a local community event, your choice of the type of event is entirely open. The event may be a one-off, annual, biannual etc. Some possible choices include, but are not limited to:

  • Sporting events and carnivals of various kinds
  • Cultural events of various kinds including special exhibitions, theatre performances, concerts,
  • Eisteddfods and the like
  • Festivals, carnivals, displays, fetes, markets
  • Agricultural shows and exhibitions
  • Religious events
  • Conferences

Depending upon your choice of event as the focus of this investigation you may need to carry out informal interviews with event organisers to gather some of the required information. If this is the case, please be sure that you establish a suitable time with your informants, and follow a professional approach when conducting interviews.

NOTE that the term 'report' is used in a general sense for this assessment piece in which it is expected that the paper will include an appropriate system of  subheadings, including an Introduction and Conclusion. This report will follow a 'formal' report structure, it is expected that it will include:

  • A title page.
  • A table of contents.
  • Use of appropriate subheadings around which you are able to organize your content and discussion.
  • Use of relevant references to support your discussion. Note that the references consulted must include more than the set textbook and the course study guide. It is expected that a minimum of six academic references (hard copy and/or electronic sources) will be used throughout the paper. References must be correctly acknowledged using the required author/date system of in-text referencing.
  • A Reference List correctly arranged in alphabetical order by author surname.
  • An Appendix of relevant materials to which you refer in the main body of the paper.

It is advisable to work on these progressively throughout the Term.

Assessment task

Having made your event selection, your task is to compile a report that provides an overview of the event that you will be investigating. You will provide a more comprehensive overview of this event in written report 2.

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Other Subject: Your task is to compile a report that provides an overview
Reference No:- TGS0614932

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