Project charter submitted by project HZ Inc. has been given the green light!
It was unanimously decided to use SCRUM for the development process. Changes in budget, requirements or proposals made during charter phase can now be re-negotiated in the Planning phase.

You will focus on Planning and Executing stages in this assignment.
We do not focus upon 'Controlling' and 'Closure' as the former is very practical and involves recording, measurements and reporting- the latter is about events, handover and writing closing reports.
Recap: Courier-R-Us
Please do not forget: Courier-R-Us is a courier company which has been handling courier tracking and other transactions based on a simple C based console system for the last few years but in the dawn of new technology, has recognised the need to upgrade to a faster, simpler and web-capable software which will increase the ease of workflow inside the company and also will help in overall logistics.
The tasks have been divided into Pass (PA), Credit (CR), Distinction (DI) and High Distinction (HD) parts-
PA part - Project Planning phase
1. OPTIONAL/BONUS TASK- not compulsory During planning phase, product owner realises that this project needs a specialised Cloud architect, as the data centre has no support available for the cloud deployment. The role of this person is to create the blueprint of Cloud architecture needed to deploy the web system, supervise the deployment, create detailed documentation of the documentation for the future purposes and implement security strategies for the cloud. Their job is to work within an existing cloud in order to help maximise it in terms of certain stated business goals. Most of the time, the position is relatively senior. Cloud architects often manage staff and direct information technology goals to achieve certain results. This role is only needed at the end stage of the execution when deployment will be performed.
Your task as a project manager is to create a Job ad which will be published in SEEK advertising the position and key selection criterion for this role. Create a 1-2 page(s) ad and do not cut-copy-paste from employment websites. Turnitin will pick it up and flag plagiarism.
2. It was also realised that a project will require a SCRUM master. It will be a key role in providing genuine project supervision and mentorship across the large project team. The role will support the Product Owner. Key responsibilities include- facilitating (not participating in) the daily stand up, helping the team maintain their burndown chart, setting up retrospectives, sprint reviews or sprint planning sessions, shielding the team from interruptions during the sprint, removing obstacles that affect the team, walking the product owner through more technical user stories and encouraging collaboration between the Scrum team and product owner.
The job ad along with key selection criterion was also place in SEEK by the project manager.
Your task this time is to reply to the key selection criteria as if you were applying for the job. Write a 400-500 words response addressing all of the key selection elements (you will first have to think what those elements are).
3. Product owner comes from a traditional background and is a big fan of PMBOK. She proposes the use of hybrid approach ie. mix PMBOK's recommendations with SCRUM. As such, she asks the planning team to create a detailed GANTT chart for the project.
Your task is to create a detailed Gantt chart that that enables the documentation of the full project schedule of tasks. Start with your WBS from Assignment 1 and expand upon it.
Modify the WBS to include Scrum in the Project Execution stage. This means that you will need to expand the Project Execution stage sufficiently to indicate the use of SCRUM. As we proceed ahead and cover more of SCRUM during lectures 6 and onwards, this will become clearer.
Gantt chart must display the following-
a. Tasks
b. Durations - how long does this task take to complete, realistically?
c. Resources - professional types - who is best to do this task and how many
d. Dependencies / predecessors/ start to finish etc.
e. Dates - when should these tasks be done, in which phase?
f. All the software engineering artefacts have to be included in the Gantt chart - i.e., Charter, SRS, Test Plan, Test Cases, Test Report, detailed budget and team plans.
g. Milestones have to be identified
h. Other special Project management deliverables need to be included, such as Quality Plan, Communication Plan, Training Plan, Deployment Plan and SCRUM-specific documents.
CR part - Project Execution phase
4. Write a user story document that will encapsulate features of the end-product. A template has been provided to you- feel free to use it.
Write at least 5 user stories. Each user story must be followed by an Acceptable criterion.
DI part - Project Execution phase
5. You will next create a Product Backlog. A template has been provided to you- feel free to use it.
Each item in the product backlog must be uniquely numbered. The items must be accompanied by the relevant information such as-
Who owns the task?
Its priority-level
Status and how it has moved with time and
Any other important information.
NOTE: This needs to be exhaustive and cover all of the aspects of the software features.
HD part - Project Execution phase
6. The final task is to plan the sprints- you must show sufficient details for at least five sprints. A template has been provided to you- feel free to use it. For each of the sprint you need to submit the following-
a. Sprint backlog
b. A summary of what was discussed at the retrospective meeting.
Attachment:- Assignment Resources.rar