
Your summary should -nbspidentify the title author and

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Summary Checklist

Your summary should:
• identify the title, author, and topic in the first sentence

• state the main idea in the first or second sentence it

• if appropriate, express the author's point of view/opinion (this can include the "tone" or the purpose of the reading

• include 3- 5 useful details to support the main idea of the article

• include at least 3 target vocabulary words, underlined

• include enough information so that someone who has not read the article will understand the reading.

• be typed

• contain 150 - 200 words

• be well-organized

• have clear language (your language)-grammatically and structurally appropriate to this level

Responses Checklist (second part of a Summary and Response assignment)

Your response should:

• Express your opinions and attitudes about the reading. These should include two of the following:
• Comments on how the article relates to you and your personal experiences or knowledge
• Discuss some point that you agree or disagree with in the article
• Discuss what you learned or how your ideas were challenged or changed by the information in the article
• How do the ideas relate to what you think is important in the world?
• Discuss how well the article explains the information and/or what might be missing? That is what does the article not discuss that is important to the topic?
• 250 words
• Be well-organized
• Have clear language (your language)-grammatically and structurally appropriate to this level
•  Typed

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Dissertation: Your summary should -nbspidentify the title author and
Reference No:- TGS01539780

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